with_val_labs {labelr}R Documentation

Evaluate an Expression in a Value Labels-on Data Environment


with_val_labs wraps a data.frame in use_val_labs and wraps the resulting data.frame in base::with in support of base::with-like non-standard evaluation (see examples).

Note: wvl is a compact alias for with_val_labs: they do the same thing, and the former is easier to type


with_val_labs(data, ...)

wvl(data, ...)



a data.frame with value-labeled columns.


additional arguments passed to dots, typically an expression involving a function called on unquoted variable(s) (see examples).


with_val_labs (see also alias wvl) is useful for applying certain nominal-variable-friendly functions (chiefly, table and the like) to value-labeled data.frames. See also base::with. See also tabl, with_name_labs, and with_both_labs.


the value of the evaluated expr, with value labels substituted for variable values.


# make toy demographic (gender, raceth, etc.) data set
df <- make_demo_data(n = 1000) # another labelr:: function
# let's add variable VALUE labels for variable "raceth"
df <- add_val_labs(df,
  vars = "raceth", vals = c(1:7),
  labs = c("White", "Black", "Hispanic", "Asian", "AIAN", "Multi", "Other"),
  max.unique.vals = 50

# let's add variable VALUE labels for variable "gender"
# note that, if we are labeling a single variable, we can use add_val1()
# distinction between add_val1() and add_val_labs() will become more meaningful
# when we get to our Likert example
df <- add_val1(
  data = df, gender, vals = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4),
  labs = c("M", "F", "TR", "NB", "Diff-Term"), max.unique.vals = 50

# "with_val_labs" - with()-like function that swaps value labels out for value values
# compare with(df, ...) to with_val_labs(df,...)
with(df, table(gender, raceth)) # without labels

# the same data (note that presentation order changes d/t alphabetical ordering)
with_val_labs(df, table(gender, raceth)) # with labels
with(use_val_labs(df), table(gender, raceth)) # above is shorthand for this

# just raceth
with(df, table(raceth)) # with
with_val_labs(df, table(raceth)) # with_val_labs

# another use case
with(df, unique(raceth)) # with
with_val_labs(df, unique(raceth)) # with_val_labs

# another
with(df, modelr::typical(raceth)) # numerical median!
with_val_labs(df, modelr::typical(raceth)) # modal label (not the median!)

[Package labelr version 0.1.7 Index]