ssubset {labelr} | R Documentation |
Safely Subset a Labeled Data Frame
allows one to simultaneously filter-select rows that
satisfy conditions AND return only selected columns as a data.frame that
preserves the labelr attributes
attached to the inputted data.frame.
ssubset(data, condition, ...)
data |
the data.frame from which columns rows will be filtered (and, possibly, columns selected). |
condition |
row-filtering conditions along the lines of base::subset() and/or dplyr::select(). Note: Row-filtering conditions (to include condition==NULL) must be supplied. |
... |
Optionally supply one or more unquoted, comma-separated column names that identify columns to be retained (Note: If no columns are listed, all columns will be retained). Note: While row-filtering conditions may leverage standard operators (e.g., &, |, ==, !=), the column-selection portion of call may not incorporate special characters or symbols, such as quotes, parentheses, colons, minus signs, exclamation points, or other operators. |
Combining sfilter
and sselect
functionality (along the lines of
base::subset(), this function accepts a data.frame, followed by conditional
filtering instructions (required) and (optional) comma-separated unquoted
column names to be selected (see examples), returning the selected rows and
columns as a data.frame that preserves the labelr attribute information of
the originally supplied data.frame. See ssubset
for a variant that combines
row-filtering and sselect
column selection in a single function.
See also sdrop
, sbrac
, ssort
, srename
, slab
and flab
a labelr label attribute-preserving data.frame consisting of the selected rows that meet the filtering condition(s).
# make toy demographic (gender, raceth, etc.) data set
df <- make_demo_data(n = 1000) # another labelr:: function
# let's add variable VALUE labels for variable "raceth"
df <- add_val_labs(df,
vars = "raceth", vals = c(1:7),
labs = c("White", "Black", "Hispanic", "Asian", "AIAN", "Multi", "Other"),
max.unique.vals = 50
head(df, 3)
check_labs_att(df, "val.labs.raceth") # "raceth" lab specifically TRUE
dfsub1 <- ssubset(df, raceth == 2 & age > 70, id, raceth, gender)
head(dfsub1, 3)
check_labs_att(dfsub1, "val.labs.raceth") # "raceth" lab specifically TRUE
dfsub2 <- ssubset(df, raceth %in% c(2:4), age, raceth)
head(dfsub2, 3)
check_labs_att(dfsub2, "val.labs.raceth") # "raceth" lab specifically TRUE
# even if NULL, must supply explicit condition argument
head(ssubset(df, condition = NULL, age, raceth), 3) # better to just use sselect()
head(ssubset(df, age == 60), 3) # skip column selection (will return all cols)