check_irregular {labelr}R Documentation

Check Vector for "Irregular" Values


Check a vector for the presence of "irregular" values, defined as NA values, other arbitrary values you specify, and (by default): NaN, Inf, -Inf, and character variants of same (i.e., upper, lower, or mixed-case variants of "NA","NAN","INF","-INF").


  nan.include = TRUE,
  inf.include = TRUE,
  special = c("NA", "NAN", "INF", "-INF"),
  other = NULL,
  any = FALSE



an atomic vector to checked for the presence of (any) NA values.


treat NaN values as NA (i.e., return TRUE if present).


treat Inf and -Inf values as NA (i.e., return TRUE if present).


a modifiable set of default character values that will be treated as equivalent to NA values (i.e., will return TRUE if present).


an argument for additional values of arbitrary but consistent class (e.g., all numeric, all character) that will be treated as equivalent to NA values (i.e., check_irregular will return TRUE where/if found).


if TRUE, return a 1L vector that is TRUE if any irregular/NA-esque value is found in the vector x, FALSE if no such value is found; if any=FALSE, function will return a logical value for every element of x (TRUE if that specific value meets the "irregular"-ity test).


check_irregular is used by core labelr functions (e.g., add_val_labs) to ensure that NA and other irregular (e.g., Inf) values are handled in a simple and consistent – and, hence, rigid – fashion. It is not intended as a user- facing command as part of a labelr data-analytic workflow, though it may be useful in other applications where one wishes to test a vector against a focal and user-extensible class of NA-esque (or other) offending values.


A logical vector (1L if any==TRUE; length of x if any==FALSE).


# below is FALSE, because there is nothing NA-like in this vector

# below is TRUE, because we're treating 99 as "NA-esque"
check_irregular(1:100, other = 99)

# below is TRUE, because of NA val
check_irregular(c(1:100, NA))

# below is TRUE, because nan.include is on (by default)
check_irregular(c(1:100, NaN), nan.include = TRUE)

# below is TRUE, because inf.include is on (by default)
check_irregular(c(1:100, Inf), inf.include = TRUE)

# below is TRUE, because inf.include is on (by default)
check_irregular(c(1:100, -Inf), inf.include = TRUE)

# below is FALSE, it's just letters

# below is TRUE - see default vals for arg special (function not case-sens)
check_irregular(c(letters, "NA"))

# below is TRUE - see default vals for arg special (function not case-sens)
check_irregular(c(letters, "NAN"))

# below is TRUE - see default vals for arg special (function not case-sens)
check_irregular(c(letters, "-iNf"))

# below is FALSE, search for irregular vals is not substring/regex-based
check_irregular(c(letters, "nan-iNf"))

[Package labelr version 0.1.7 Index]