as_base_data_frame {labelr}R Documentation

Convert Augmented Data Frame to Base R Data Frame


as_base_data_frame noisily converts an augmented data.frame to a Base R data.frame.


as_base_data_frame(data, = FALSE, = FALSE)

adf(data, = FALSE, = FALSE)



a data.frame object.

coerce all factor variables to character variables.

convert all irregular values (see irregular2v()) to NA.


Note: adf is a compact alias for as_base_data_frame: they do the same thing, and the former is easier to type

To minimize dependencies and complexities, labelr label-assigning functions are designed to work exclusively with Base R data.frames, not alternative data structures like matrices or augmented data.frames, such as data.tables or tibbles. The suggested labeling workflow is to first assign and work with labels using a Base R data.frame and then convert the resulting object to an augmented data.frame as desired and without any assumption that labelr labels or functions will smoothly interoperate with the augmented data.frame construct or functions that depend on it.

as_base_data_frame determines whether data argument is a conventional Base R data.frame, some kind of augmented data.frame (e.g., data.table, tibble), or not a data.frame at all (e.g., matrix). If the object has multiple classes, one of which is a data.frame, the object is coerced to be a conventional Base R data.frame, and a message to that effect is issued. If the supplied object is not any kind of data.frame (i.e., a matrix is not any kind of data.frame, while a data.table is a kind of data.frame), an error is thrown. If the supplied object already is a Base R data.frame with no additional classes (i.e., not an augmented data.frame), that supplied object is returned with no changes made and no messages.


a data.frame object with any additional classes removed.


x1 <- runif(10)
x2 <- as.character(sample(c(1:20), 10, replace = TRUE))
x3 <- sample(letters, size = 10, replace = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3)
dft <- tibble::as_tibble(df)
df_vanilla <- as_base_data_frame(dft)

[Package labelr version 0.1.7 Index]