add_lab_col1 {labelr}R Documentation

Create a Value Labels Column for a Single Variable and Add to the Data Frame


For a single value-labeled column of a data.frame, create a copy of that column that replaces all of its values with the corresponding value labels and added that copy to the supplied data.frame.


add_lab_col1(data, var, suffix = "_lab")

alc1(data, var, suffix = "_lab")



a data.frame.


the unquoted name of the column (variable) whose values you wish to replace with the corresponding value labels.


a suffix that will be appended to the name of the labels-on column that is added to the data.frame (e.g., if suffix = "_lab," the labels-on version of "x1" will be "x1_lab").


Note 1: add_lab_col1 is a variant of add_lab_cols that allows you to specify only one variable at a time but that allows you to pass its name without quoting it (compare add_lab_col1(mtcars, am) to add_lab_cols(mtcars, "am")).

Note 2: alc1 is a compact alias for add_lab_col1: they do the same thing, and the former is easier to type.

Note 3: This command is intended exclusively for interactive use. In particular, the var argument must be the literal name of a single variable (column) found in the supplied data.frame and may NOT be, e.g., the name of a character vector that contains the variable (column name) of interest. If you wish to supply a character vector with the names of variables (columns) of interest, use add_lab_cols().

add_lab_col1 creates a "labels-on" version of a value-labeled column and adds that new column to the supplied data.frame. Here, "labels-on" means that the column's original values are replaced with the corresponding value labels. Note that this column does not replace but is added to its parent/source columns in the returned data.frame. The resulting "labels-on" column is a simple, self-contained character column that cannot itself be converted or reverted to the original ("labels-off") values of its parent/source column. See add_lab_cols for a list of other functions that may be useful in working with value labels.


A data.frame consisting of the originally supplied data.frame, along with the labels-on column added to it.


# add "labels-on" version of "am" to copy of mtcars
df <- mtcars # copy of mtcars

# now, add value labels
df <- add_val1(
  data = df,
  var = am,
  vals = c(0, 1),
  labs = c("automatic", "manual")

# add value labels-on version of "am" to df, assign to df_plus
df_plus <- add_lab_col1(df, am)
head(df_plus[c("am", "am_lab")])

[Package labelr version 0.1.7 Index]