herbarium.table {labeleR}R Documentation



Example data to create herbarium labels




An object of class data.frame with 6 rows and 19 columns.


ID Collector Collection_number Assistants Family Taxon Author det Det_date life_form Observations Height Location Area_description Elevation Date Latitude Longitude QR_code
1 Hermione Granger 2 Sprout, P., Potter, H., Weasley, R. SOLANACEAE Mandragora officinarum L. Sprout, P. 05/09/1995 Herb Collected at the seedling stage; loud and harmful crying noise 45cm. Root diameter 2.5cm aprox. Cargan, Antrim Glens, Northern Ireland. Marsh vegetation; mainly dominated by sedges and rushes. 12 m.a.s.l. 25/07/94 54.9886 N -6.1392 E https://www.clarin.com/img/2021/12/20/5jTLngUq9_1256x620__1.jpg
2 Ron Weasley 5 Potter, H. SALICACEAE Salix muhammadalii subsp. robusta Huff. Sprout, P. 01/09/1992 Tree Only known extant individual, near to the Hogwarts Castle. 7.5 m. Hogwarts Gardens, Hogsmeade, Scotland (UK) Open grassland, near the Foridden Forest. 250 m.a.s.l. 01/09/92 57.4223 N -3.0869 E https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1483325459410929390/8FE97A548651369A35C35018271913794CAD7CEA/?imw=512&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false
3 Dobby H.E. 1 Winky H.E. Zosteraceae Zostera phycobranchia (Huff.) Sprout Longbottom, N. 13/11/1994 Aquatic herb First known locality outside the Mediterranean Sea. Maximum height of 15 cm, but rhizomes deep to 40-60 cm into the ground. Great Yarmouth, Norwich, United Kingdom 15 m from the shore into the sea, forming a monospecific subacuatic prairie. -3 m.a.s.l. 10/11/1994 52.629060 N 1.745356 E http://harrypotterdiagon.blogspot.com/2018/01/branquialgas.html
4 Pomona Sprout 1990-301a Dumbledore, A. Suffocaceae Lucifericaptia obscura Slyth. Sprout, P. 01/07/1990 Bush Collected 15m beneath the ground level, where no sunlight could reach. 1.5 m. South Stoke, Arundel, United Kingdom. Karstic cave. No other plants found due to the lack of light. 25 m.a.s.l. 08/05/86 50.8638 N -0.5599 E https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbpafnCWAAEOI-X.jpg
5 Luna Lovegood 5 Xenophilius Lovegood rosaceae Prunus zeppelin Rav. Lovegood, X. 06/08/1996 Tree Cultivated for gardening purposes. 2 m. Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon, England (UK). Garden 40 m.a.s.l. 06/08/1996 50.7602 N -3.2653 E https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/habbo-potter/images/8/85/Dirigible_Plum.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180611174816
6 Algie Longbottom 3 Longbottom, N. Mimbulaceae Mimbulus mimbletonia Spore Sprout, P. 25/10/1995 Herb Desert plant usually used as ornamental. Potenial invasive alien species in the British isles. 30 cm. Tel Afar, Ninaua, Assyria Desert nearby the Tigris river, with some other reptant and crass plants (Tribulus terrestris, Apteranthes europaea). 298 m.a.s.l. 15/07/1995 36.881382N 42.492363E https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJhvrsQWmyOJFSJFMhPdIXuhjAONN6bXWmlQ&usqp=CAU

[Package labeleR version 0.1.2 Index]