A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W misc
koRpus-package | Text Analysis with Emphasis on POS Tagging, Readability, and Lexical Diversity |
ARI | Readability: Automated Readability Index (ARI) |
available.koRpus.lang | List available language packages |
bormuth | Readability: Bormuth's Mean Cloze and Grade Placement |
C.ld | Lexical diversity: Herdan's C |
clozeDelete | Transform text into cloze test format |
clozeDelete-method | Transform text into cloze test format |
coleman | Readability: Coleman's Formulas |
coleman.liau | Readability: Coleman-Liau Index |
corpusCorpFreq | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusCorpFreq,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusCorpFreq-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusCorpFreq<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusCorpFreq<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusCorpFreq<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusFreq | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusFreq,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusFreq-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusFreq<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusFreq<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusFreq<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusHyphen | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusHyphen,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusHyphen-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusHyphen<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusHyphen<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusHyphen<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusLexDiv | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusLexDiv,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusLexDiv-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusLexDiv<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusLexDiv<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusLexDiv<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusReadability | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusReadability,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusReadability-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusReadability<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusReadability<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusReadability<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusStopwords | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusStopwords,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusStopwords-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusStopwords<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusStopwords<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
corpusStopwords<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
correct.tag | Methods to correct koRpus objects |
correct.tag-method | Methods to correct koRpus objects |
cTest | Transform text into C-Test-like format |
cTest-method | Transform text into C-Test-like format |
CTTR | Lexical diversity: Carroll's corrected TTR (CTTR) |
dale.chall | Readability: Dale-Chall Readability Formula |
danielson.bryan | Readability: Danielson-Bryan |
describe,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
describe-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
describe<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
describe<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
dickes.steiwer | Readability: Dickes-Steiwer Handformel |
diffText | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
diffText,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
diffText-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
diffText<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
diffText<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
diffText<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
docTermMatrix | Generate a document-term matrix |
docTermMatrix,-methods | Generate a document-term matrix |
docTermMatrix-method | Generate a document-term matrix |
doc_id | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
doc_id,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
doc_id-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
DRP | Readability: Degrees of Reading Power (DRP) |
ELF | Readability: Fang's Easy Listening Formula (ELF) |
farr.jenkins.paterson | Readability: Farr-Jenkins-Paterson Index |
feature | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
feature,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
feature-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
feature<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
feature<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
feature<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
filterByClass | Remove word classes |
filterByClass-method | Remove word classes |
fixObject | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
fixObject,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
fixObject-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
flesch | Readability: Flesch Readability Ease |
flesch.kincaid | Readability: Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level |
FOG | Readability: Gunning FOG Index |
FORCAST | Readability: FORCAST Index |
freq.analysis | Analyze word frequencies |
freq.analysis-method | Analyze word frequencies |
fucks | Readability: Fucks' Stilcharakteristik |
get.kRp.env | Get koRpus session settings |
guess.lang | Guess language a text is written in |
gutierrez | Readability: Gutiérrez _Fórmula de comprensibilidad_ |
harris.jacobson | Readability: Harris-Jacobson indices |
hasFeature | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
hasFeature,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
hasFeature-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
hasFeature<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
hasFeature<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
hasFeature<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
HDD | Lexical diversity: HD-D (vocd-d) |
hyphen | Automatic hyphenation |
hyphen-method | Automatic hyphenation |
hyphen_c-method | Automatic hyphenation |
hyphen_df-method | Automatic hyphenation |
install.koRpus.lang | Install language support packages |
is.kRp.text | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
is.taggedText | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
jumbleWords | Produce jumbled words |
jumbleWords-method | Produce jumbled words |
K.ld | Lexical diversity: Yule's K |
koRpus | Text Analysis with Emphasis on POS Tagging, Readability, and Lexical Diversity |
koRpus-deprecated | Deprecated object classes |
kRp.analysis-class | Deprecated object classes |
kRp.cluster | Work in (early) progress. Probably don't even look at it. Consider it pure magic that is not to be tempered with. |
kRp.corp.freq,-class | S4 Class kRp.corp.freq |
kRp.corp.freq-class | S4 Class kRp.corp.freq |
kRp.filter.wclass | Deprecated object classes |
kRp.lang,-class | S4 Class kRp.lang |
kRp.lang-class | S4 Class kRp.lang |
kRp.POS.tags | Get elaborated word tag definitions |
kRp.readability,-class | S4 Class kRp.readability |
kRp.readability-class | S4 Class kRp.readability |
kRp.tagged-class | Deprecated object classes |
kRp.text,-class | S4 Class kRp.text |
kRp.text-class | S4 Class kRp.text |
kRp.text.paste | Deprecated object classes |
kRp.text.transform | Deprecated object classes |
kRp.TTR,-class | S4 Class kRp.TTR |
kRp.TTR-class | S4 Class kRp.TTR |
kRp.txt.freq-class | Deprecated object classes |
kRp.txt.trans-class | Deprecated object classes |
kRp_analysis | Deprecated object classes |
kRp_corp_freq | S4 Class kRp.corp.freq |
kRp_lang | S4 Class kRp.lang |
kRp_readability | S4 Class kRp.readability |
kRp_tagged | Deprecated object classes |
kRp_text | S4 Class kRp.text |
kRp_TTR | S4 Class kRp.TTR |
kRp_txt_freq | Deprecated object classes |
kRp_txt_trans | Deprecated object classes |
language,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
language-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
language<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
language<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
lex.div | Analyze lexical diversity |
lex.div-method | Analyze lexical diversity |
lex.div.num | Calculate lexical diversity |
linsear.write | Readability: Linsear Write Index |
LIX | Readability: Bj\"ornsson's L\"asbarhetsindex (LIX) |
maas | Lexical diversity: Maas' indices |
MATTR | Lexical diversity: Moving-Average Type-Token Ratio (MATTR) |
MSTTR | Lexical diversity: Mean Segmental Type-Token Ratio (MSTTR) |
MTLD | Lexical diversity: Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (MTLD) |
nWS | Readability: Neue Wiener Sachtextformeln |
originalText | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
originalText,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
originalText-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
pasteText | Paste koRpus objects |
pasteText-method | Paste koRpus objects |
plot | Plot method for objects of class kRp.text |
plot-method | Plot method for objects of class kRp.text |
query | A method to get information out of koRpus objects |
query-method | A method to get information out of koRpus objects |
R.ld | Lexical diversity: Guiraud's R |
read.BAWL | Import BAWL-R data |
read.corp.celex | Import Celex data |
read.corp.custom | Import custom corpus data |
read.corp.custom-method | Import custom corpus data |
read.corp.LCC | Import LCC data |
read.tagged | Deprecated object classes |
readability | Measure readability |
readability-method | Measure readability |
readability.num | Calculate readability |
readTagged | Import already tagged texts |
readTagged-method | Import already tagged texts |
RIX | Readability: Anderson's Readability Index (RIX) |
S.ld | Lexical diversity: Summer's S |
segment.optimizer | A function to optimize MSTTR segment sizes |
set.kRp.env | A function to set information on your koRpus environment |
set.lang.support | Add support for new languages |
show,-methods | Show methods for koRpus objects |
show-method | Show methods for koRpus objects |
SMOG | Readability: Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) |
spache | Readability: Spache Formula |
split_by_doc_id | Turn a multi-document kRp.text object into a list of kRp.text objects |
split_by_doc_id,-methods | Turn a multi-document kRp.text object into a list of kRp.text objects |
split_by_doc_id-method | Turn a multi-document kRp.text object into a list of kRp.text objects |
strain | Readability: Strain Index |
summary | Summary methods for koRpus objects |
summary-method | Summary methods for koRpus objects |
taggedText | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
taggedText,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
taggedText-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
taggedText<- | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
taggedText<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
taggedText<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
textFeatures | Extract text features for authorship analysis |
textTransform | Letter case transformation |
textTransform-method | Letter case transformation |
tif_as_tokens_df | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
tif_as_tokens_df,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
tif_as_tokens_df-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
tokenize | A simple tokenizer |
tokenize-method | A simple tokenizer |
tokens | Get types and tokens of a given text |
tokens-method | Get types and tokens of a given text |
traenkle.bailer | Readability: Traenkle-Bailer Formeln |
treetag | A method to call TreeTagger |
treetag-method | A method to call TreeTagger |
TRI | Readability: Kuntzsch's Text-Redundanz-Index |
TTR | Lexical diversity: Type-Token Ratio |
tuldava | Readability: Tuldava's Text Difficulty Formula |
types | Get types and tokens of a given text |
types-method | Get types and tokens of a given text |
U.ld | Lexical diversity: Uber Index (U) |
wheeler.smith | Readability: Wheeler-Smith Score |
[,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
[-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
[-method | Analyze lexical diversity |
[-method | Measure readability |
[<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
[<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
[[,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
[[-method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
[[-method | Analyze lexical diversity |
[[-method | Measure readability |
[[<-,-methods | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |
[[<--method | Getter/setter methods for koRpus objects |