knn_param_search {knnp}R Documentation

Searches for the optimal values of k and d for a given time series. First, values corresponding to instants from initial + 1 to the last one are predicted. The first value predicted, which corresponds to instant initial + 1, is calculated using instants from 1 to instant initial; the second value predicted, which corresponds to instant initial + 2, is predicted using instants from 1 to instant initial + 1; and so on until last value, which corresponds to instant n (length of the given time series), is predicted using instants from 1 to instant n - 1. Finally, the error is evaluated between the predicted values and the real values of the series. This version of the optimization function uses a parallelized distances calculation function, and the computation of the predicted values is done parallelizing by the number of d's.


Searches for the optimal values of k and d for a given time series. First, values corresponding to instants from initial + 1 to the last one are predicted. The first value predicted, which corresponds to instant initial + 1, is calculated using instants from 1 to instant initial; the second value predicted, which corresponds to instant initial + 2, is predicted using instants from 1 to instant initial + 1; and so on until last value, which corresponds to instant n (length of the given time series), is predicted using instants from 1 to instant n - 1. Finally, the error is evaluated between the predicted values and the real values of the series. This version of the optimization function uses a parallelized distances calculation function, and the computation of the predicted values is done parallelizing by the number of d's.


  initial = NULL,
  distance = "euclidean",
  error_measure = "MAE",
  weight = "proportional",
  v = 1,
  threads = 1



A time series.


Values of k's to be analyzed.


Values of d's to be analyzed.


Variable that determines the limit of the known past for the first instant predicted.


Type of metric to evaluate the distance between points. Many metrics are supported: euclidean, manhattan, dynamic time warping, camberra and others. For more information about supported metrics check the values that 'method' argument of function parDist (from parallelDist package) can take as this is the function used to calculate the distances. Link to the package info: Some of the values that this argument can take are "euclidean", "manhattan", "dtw", "camberra", "chord".


Type of metric to evaluate the prediction error. Five metrics supported:


Mean Error


Root Mean Squared Error


Mean Absolute Error


Mean Percentage Error


Mean Absolute Percentage Error


Type of weight to be used at the time of calculating the predicted value with a weighted mean. Three supported: proportional , average, linear.


the weight assigned to each neighbor is inversely proportional to its distance


all neighbors are assigned with the same weight


nearest neighbor is assigned with weight k, second closest neighbor with weight k-1, and so on until the least nearest neighbor which is assigned with a weight of 1.


Variable to be predicted if given multivariate time series.


Number of threads to be used when parallelizing, default is 1


A matrix of errors, optimal k and d. All tested ks and ks and all the used metrics.


knn_param_search(AirPassengers, 1:5, 1:3)
knn_param_search(LakeHuron, 1:10, 1:6)

[Package knnp version 2.0.0 Index]