vignette_engines {knitr}R Documentation

Package vignette engines


Since R 3.0.0, package vignettes can use non-Sweave engines, and knitr has provided a few engines to compile vignettes via knit() with different templates. See for more information.


If you use the knitr::rmarkdown engine, please make sure that you put rmarkdown in the ‘⁠Suggests⁠’ field of your ‘DESCRIPTION’ file. Also make sure pandoc is available during R CMD build. If you build your package from RStudio, this is normally not a problem. If you build the package outside RStudio, run rmarkdown::find_pandoc() in an R session to check if Pandoc can be found.

When the rmarkdown package is not installed or not available, or pandoc cannot be found, the knitr::rmarkdown engine will fall back to the knitr::knitr engine, which uses R Markdown v1 based on the markdown package.


vig_list = tools::vignetteEngine(package = "knitr")
vig_list[["knitr::knitr"]][c("weave", "tangle")]
vig_list[["knitr::knitr_notangle"]][c("weave", "tangle")]
vig_list[["knitr::docco_classic"]][c("weave", "tangle")]

[Package knitr version 1.48 Index]