matching {kmed}R Documentation

A pair distance for binary/ categorical variables


This function computes the simple matching distance from two data frames/ matrices.


matching(x, y)



A first data frame or matrix (see Details).


A second data frame or matrix (see Details).


The x and y arguments have to be data frames/ matrices with the same number of columns where the row indicates the object and the column is the variable. This function calculates all pairwise distance between rows in the x and y data frames/ matrices. If the x data frame/ matrix is equal to the y data frame/ matrix, it explicitly calculates all distances in the x data frame/ matrix.

The simple matching distance between objects i and j is calculated by

dij=s=1P(xisxjs)Pd_{ij} = \frac{\sum_{s=1}^{P}(x_{is}-x_{js})}{P}

where PP is the number of variables, and xisxjs x_{is}-x_{js} \in {0, 1}. xisxjs=0 x_{is}-x_{js} = 0, if xis=xjs x_{is}=x_{js} and xisxjs=1x_{is}-x_{js} = 1, when xisxjsx_{is} \neq x_{js}.

As an example, the distance between objects 1 and 2 is presented.

object x y z
1 1 2 2
2 1 2 1

The distance between objects 1 and 2 is

d12=s=13(xisxjs)3=0+0+13=13=0.33d_{12} = \frac{\sum_{s=1}^{3}(x_{is}-x_{js})}{3} = \frac{0 + 0 + 1}{3} = \frac{1}{3} = 0.33


Function returns a distance matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of objects in the x data frame/ matrix (nxn_x) and the number of columns equals to the number of objects in the y data frame/ matrix (nyn_y).


Weksi Budiaji


a <- matrix(sample(1:2, 7*3, replace = TRUE), 7, 3)
matching(a, a)

[Package kmed version 0.4.2 Index]