topn {kit}R Documentation

Top N values index


topn is used to get the indices of the few values of an input. This is an extension of which.max/which.min which provide only the first such index.

The output is the same as order(vec)[1:n], but internally optimized not to sort the irrelevant elements of the input (and therefore much faster, for small n relative to input size).


  topn(vec, n=6L, decreasing=TRUE, hasna=TRUE, index=TRUE)



A numeric vector of type numeric or integer. Other types are not supported yet.


A positive integer value greater or equal to 1.


A logical value (default TRUE) to indicate whether to sort vec in decreasing or increasing order. Equivalent to argument decreasing in function base::order. Please note that unlike topn default value in base::order is FALSE.


A logical value (default TRUE) to indicate whether vec contains NA values.


A logical value (default TRUE) to indicate whether indexes or values of vec.


integer vector of indices of the most extreme (according to decreasing) n values in vector vec. Please note that for large value of n, i.e. 1500 or 2000 (depending on the value of hasna), topn will default to base R function order.


Morgan Jacob


x = rnorm(1e4)

# Example 1: index of top 6 negative values 
topn(x, 6L, decreasing=FALSE)

# Example 2: index of top 6 positive values
topn(x, 6L, decreasing = TRUE)
order(x, decreasing=TRUE)[1:6]

# Example 3: top 6 negative values
topn(x, 6L, decreasing=FALSE, index=FALSE)

# Benchmarks
# ----------
# x = rnorm(1e7) # 76Mb
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
#   topn=kit::topn(x, 6L),
#   order=order(x, decreasing=TRUE)[1:6],
#   times=10L
# )
# Unit: milliseconds
#  expr min   lq  mean median   uq  max neval
# topn   11   11    13     11   12   18    10
# order 563  565   587    566  602  661    10
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
#  topn=kit::topn(x, 6L, decreasing=FALSE, index=FALSE),
#  sort=sort(x, partial=1:6)[1:6],
#  times=10L
# )
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min  lq  mean median   uq  max neval
# topn  11  11    11     11   12   12    10
# sort 167 175   197    178  205  303    10

[Package kit version 0.0.18 Index]