kissmig {kissmig} | R Documentation |
Run a simple species migration model
runs a simple, raster-based, stochastic migration model to simulate species migration and
range shifts. It uses a geographic area of origin along with suitability maps to iteratively run a simple
3x3 cell algorithm. Specifically, it allows for generating accessibility maps for easy integration of limited
migration in species distribution models (Nobis and Normand 2014, <doi:10.1111/ecog.00930>).
kissmig(O, S=NULL, it, type='FOC', signed=FALSE, pext=1.0, pcor=0.2, seed=NULL)
O |
a single RasterLayer of the geographic origin |
S |
a Raster* object of suitability, i.e., a RasterLayer, RasterStack, or RasterBrick |
it |
number of iteration steps |
type |
type of result: final distribution ('DIS'), iteration step of first occurrence ('FOC'), iteration step of last occurrence ('LOC'), or number of iteration steps with occurrence ('NOC') |
signed |
if TRUE, the sign indicates whether the cells was colonized (positive) or uncolonized (negative) after the last iteration step |
pext |
propability [0,1] a colonized cell becomes uncolonized between iteration steps, i.e., the species gets locally extinct |
pcor |
propability [0,1] corner cells are considered in the 3x3 cell neighborhood |
seed |
integer used to set the seed of the random number generator |
Starting from origin "O" kissmig
simulates migration for "it" iteration steps in a heterogeneous environment
characterised by the suitability layer(s) "S". The colonized cells of the origin "O" have value 1, uncolonized
cells value 0. In case "S" consists of several suitability layers to cover environmental change, "it" is applied to each
layer. Suitability ranges between 0 (unsuitable) and 1 (suitability maximum). kissmig
uses a 3x3 algorithm
for species spread/migration. All cells get exstinct before an iteration step with probability "pext", and for
a recolonization or new colonization event corner cells within the 3x3 neighborhood are considers
with probability "pcor" ("pcor"=0.2 produces more realistic circular spread patterns - see Nobis & Normand 2014).
For runtime optimization, signed results are generate for "signed"=TRUE, i.e, in addtion to
the result type 'FOC, 'LCO', or 'NOC', the sign indicates the final distribution ('DIS') with positive values
beeing colonized and negative values beeing previously colonized but uncolonized after the last iteration step.
To get reproducible results, the seed of the R random number generator can be set using the "seed" parameter.
Nobis MP and Normand S (2014) KISSMig - a simple model for R to account for limited migration in analyses of species distributions. Ecography 37: 1282-1287. <doi:10.1111/ecog.00930>
KISSMig homepage <>
See Also
# create a suitability map and geographic origin
s <- kissmigDummyS(mean=12, sd=3)
o <- kissmigOrigin(s, x=8, y=44.5, size=0.5)
l <- s>=0 # land mask used for plotting kissmig results below
plot(s, asp=1.0, main='suitability + origin (in black)')
plot(o, col=c(NA,"black"), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE) # add origin
# run kissmig with different type of output
k <- kissmig(o, s, it=150, type='FOC')
plot(k*l, asp=1.0, main='First iteration step of occurrence (type="FOC")')
plot(o, col=c(NA,"black"), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE) # add origin
a <- kissmigAccess(k)
plot(a*l, asp=1.0, main='Accessibility based on "FOC", absolute values')
plot(o, col=c(NA,"black"), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE) # add origin
a <- kissmigAccess(k, rel=TRUE)
plot(a*l, asp=1.0, main='Accessibility based on "FOC", relative values')
plot(o, col=c(NA,"black"), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE) # add origin
k <- kissmig(o, s, it=150, type='DIS')
plot(k*l, asp=1.0, main='Final distribution (type="DIS")')
plot(o, col=c(NA,"black"), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE) # add origin
k <- kissmig(o, s, it=150, type='LOC')
plot(k*l, asp=1.0, main='Last iteration step of occurrence (type="LOC")')
plot(o, col=c(NA,"black"), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE) # add origin
k <- kissmig(o, s, it=150, type='NOC')
plot(k*l, asp=1.0, main='Number of iteration steps with occurrences (type="NOC")')
plot(o, col=c(NA,"black"), legend=FALSE, add=TRUE) # add origin