Korea Investment & Securities (KIS) Open Trading API

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Documentation for package ‘kisopenapi’ version 0.0.2

Help Pages

change_trading_env change trading environment
get_auth set access token
get_balance get account balance
get_buyable_cash get buyable cash
get_current_price get current price
get_orders get orders
get_order_history get order history
get_stock_history get stock history
get_stock_history_by_ohlcv get stock history by ohlcv
get_stock_investor get stock investor
get_stock_quotes get stock quotes
kis_buy KIS order
kis_cancel KIS revise and cancel orders
kis_cancel_all KIS revise and cancel orders
kis_order KIS order
kis_revise KIS revise and cancel orders
kis_revise_cancel KIS revise and cancel orders
kis_sell KIS order
print_acnt_prdt_cd print account product code
print_app_key print app key
print_app_secret print app secret
print_auth set access token
print_base_url print base url
print_cano print account number
print_trading_env print trading environment
set_auth set access token
set_trading_env Set KIS account number, account product code, app key and app secret