Model {keras3}R Documentation

Subclass the base Keras Model Class


This is for advanced use cases where you need to subclass the base Model type, e.g., you want to override the train_step() method.

If you just want to create or define a keras model, prefer keras_model() or keras_model_sequential().

If you just want to encapsulate some custom logic and state, and don't need to customize training behavior (besides calling self$add_loss() in the call() method), prefer Layer().


  initialize = NULL,
  call = NULL,
  train_step = NULL,
  predict_step = NULL,
  test_step = NULL,
  compute_loss = NULL,
  compute_metrics = NULL,
  public = list(),
  private = list(),
  inherit = NULL,
  parent_env = parent.frame()



String, the name of the custom class. (Conventionally, CamelCase).

initialize, call, train_step, predict_step, test_step, compute_loss, compute_metrics

Optional methods that can be overridden.

..., public

Additional methods or public members of the custom class.


Named list of R objects (typically, functions) to include in instance private environments. private methods will have all the same symbols in scope as public methods (See section "Symbols in Scope"). Each instance will have it's own private environment. Any objects in private will be invisible from the Keras framework and the Python runtime.


What the custom class will subclass. By default, the base keras class.


The R environment that all class methods will have as a grandparent.


A model constructor function, which you can call to create an instance of the new model type.

Symbols in scope

All R function custom methods (public and private) will have the following symbols in scope:

See Also

active_property() (e.g., for a metrics property implemented as a function).

[Package keras3 version 1.1.0 Index]