Tools for Tall Distributed Matrices

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Documentation for package ‘kazaam’ version 0.1-0

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kazaam-package Tall Matrices
%*%-method Matrix Multiplication
*-method Arithmetic Operators
+-method Arithmetic Operators
--method Arithmetic Operators
/-method Arithmetic Operators
arithmetic Arithmetic Operators
bracket subsetting
cbind.shaq cbind
collapse collapse
colMeans-method Column Operations
colSums-method Column Operations
col_ops Column Operations
cor-method Covariance and Correlation
cov Covariance and Correlation
cov-method Covariance and Correlation
crossprod Matrix Multiplication
crossprod-method Matrix Multiplication
Data getters
Data-method getters
DATA<- setters
Data<- setters
DATA<--method setters
Data<--method setters
expand expand
getters getters
glms Generalized Linear Model Fitters
is.shaq is.shaq
length-method getters
lm_coefs Linear Model Coefficients Generalized Linear Model Fitters
matmult Matrix Multiplication
NCOL-method getters
ncol-method getters
ncol.local getters
ncol.local-method getters
norm norm
norm-method norm
NROW-method getters
nrow-method getters
nrow.local getters
nrow.local-method getters Generalized Linear Model Fitters
prcomp Principal Components Analysis
prcomp.shaq Principal Components Analysis
print print
print-method print
qr QR Decomposition Methods
qr_Q QR Decomposition Methods
qr_R QR Decomposition Methods
ranshaq ranshaq Generalized Linear Model Fitters
scale Scale
scale-method Scale
setters setters
shaq shaq
shaq-class Class shaq
shaq.matrix shaq
shaq.numeric shaq
show-method print
svd svd
svd-method svd
[-method subsetting
[<--method subsetting