kaya_data {kayadata} | R Documentation |
Kaya identity data for many countries and regions
A dataset containing Kaya identity parameters P, G, E, F, g, e, f, and ef for many countries
A tibble containing 5292 rows and 14 variables:
- region
Country or region name
- region_code
Three-letter country or region code
- geography
Geographic category: "nation", "region", or "world"
- year
The year
- P
Population, in billions
- G
Gross domestic product, in trillions of constant 2015 U.S. dollars.
- E
Total primary energy consumption, in quads
- F
CO2 emissions from fossil fuel consumption, in millions of tons
- g
Per-capita GDP, in thousands of constant 2015 U.S. dollars per person.
- e
Energy intensity of the economy, in quads per trillion dollars.
- f
Emissions intensity of the energy supply, in million metric tons per quad.
- ef
Emissions intensity of the economy, in metric tons per million dollars of GDP.
- G_ppp
Gross domestic product adjusted for purchasing power parity, in trillions of constant 2017 international dollars
- G_mer
Gross domestic product at market-exchange-rate, in trillions of constant 2015 U.S. dollars
https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.KD, and https://www.energyinst.org/statistical-review/resources-and-data-downloads