get_pkg_env {karel}R Documentation

Get Karel's environment


This function returns the environment called pkg_env created by the package. It's useful for debugging and checking. It's an internal function.




pkg_env is an environment created inside the package to store and share between functions all the objects related to Karel's world and its state. Since the functions that will be used by the students should be simple and without arguments (for example, move()), these functions modify internally pkg_env.

The components of this environment are:

  1. nx: TODO

  2. ny:

  3. hor_walls:

  4. ver_walls:

  5. open_moves:

  6. karel:

  7. dir_now:

  8. x_now:

  9. y_now:

  10. moment:

  11. beepers_any:

  12. beepers_bag:

  13. beepers_now:

  14. beepers_all:

  15. base_plot:


An enviroment with objects that represent Karel's world.

[Package karel version 0.1.1 Index]