update.fitted_dlm {kDGLM}R Documentation





## S3 method for class 'fitted_dlm'
update(object, ...)



fitted_dlm: The fitted model to be updated.


Extra variables necessary for updating (covariates, observed values, etc.).


If an a covariate is necessary for updating, it should be passed as a named argument. Its name must follow this structure: <block name>.Covariate<.index>. If there is only one pulse in the associated block the index is omitted. If an a pulse is necessary for updating, it should be passed as a named argument. Its name must follow this structure: <block name>.Pulse<.index>. If there is only one pulse in the associated block the index is omitted. If an offset is necessary for updating, it should be passed along with the observed data. See example.


A fitted_dlm object.

See Also

Other auxiliary functions for fitted_dlm objects: coef.fitted_dlm(), eval_dlm_norm_const(), fit_model(), forecast.fitted_dlm(), simulate.fitted_dlm(), smoothing()


level <- polynomial_block(rate = 1, order = 2, D = 0.95)
season <- harmonic_block(rate = 1, order = 2, period = 12, D = 0.975)

# Only first 100 observations (for the sake of the example)
outcome <- Poisson(lambda = "rate", data = c(AirPassengers)[1:100])

fitted.data <- fit_model(level, season,
  AirPassengers = outcome

updated.fit <- update(fitted.data, AirPassengers = list(data = c(AirPassengers)[101:144]))
# If a offset was present, the user should pass its value when updating
# updated.fit=update(fitted.data,
#                     AirPassengers=list(
#                      data=c(AirPassengers)[101:144],
#                      offset= ... ))

[Package kDGLM version 1.2.0 Index]