regression_block {kDGLM}R Documentation

Structural blocks for regressions


Creates a block for a (dynamic) regression for a covariate X_t.


  max.lag = 0,
  zero.fill = TRUE,
  name = "Var.Reg",
  D = 1,
  h = 0,
  H = 0,
  a1 = 0,
  R1 = 9,
  monitoring = rep(FALSE, max.lag + 1)



Named values for the planning matrix.


Non-negative integer: An optional argument providing the maximum lag for the explanatory variables. If a positive value is provided, this block will create additional latent states to measure the lagged effect of X_t up until the given value. See West and Harrison (1997), subsection 9.2.2 item (3).


boolean: A Boolean indicating if the block should fill the initial delay values with 0's. If TRUE and max.lag is positive, the block assumes that X_t=0 for all t<1. If FALSE, the block assumes the user will provide X_t for all t, such that X_t will have size t+propagation_size


String: An optional argument providing the name for this block. Can be useful to identify the models with meaningful labels, also, the name used will be used in some auxiliary functions.


Array, Matrix, vector or scalar: The values for the discount factors at each time. If D is a array, its dimensions should be n x n x t, where n is the order of the polynomial block and t is the length of the outcomes. If D is a matrix, its dimensions should be n x n and its values will be used for each time. If D is a vector or scalar, a discount factor matrix will be created as a diagonal matrix with the values of D in the diagonal.


Matrix, vector or scalar: A drift to be add after the temporal evolution (can be interpreted as the mean of the random noise at each time). If a matrix, its dimension should be 2 x t, where t is the length of the series. If a vector, it should have size t, and each value will be applied to the first latent state (the one which affects the linear predictors) in their respective time. If a scalar, the passed value will be used for the first latent state at each time.


Array, Matrix, vector or scalar: The values for the covariance matrix for the noise factor at each time. If H is a array, its dimensions should be n x n x t, where n is the order of the polynomial block and t is the length of the outcomes. If H is a matrix, its dimensions should be n x n and its values will be used for each time. If H is a vector or scalar, a discount factor matrix will be created as a diagonal matrix with the values of H in the diagonal.


Vector or scalar: The prior mean for the latent states associated with this block at time 1. If a1 is a vector, its dimension should be equal to the order of the polynomial block. If a1 is a scalar, its value will be used for all latent states.


Matrix, vector or scalar: The prior covariance matrix for the latent states associated with this block at time 1. If R1 is a matrix, its dimensions should be n x n. If R1 is a vector or scalar, a covariance matrix will be created as a diagonal matrix with the values of R1 in the diagonal.


Vector: A vector of flags indicating which variables should be monitored (if automated monitoring is used). Its size should be n. The default is that no variable should be monitored.


For the ..., D, H, a1 and R1 arguments, the user may set one or more of its values as a string. By doing so, the user will leave the block partially undefined. The user must then pass the undefined parameter values as named arguments to the fit_model function. Also, multiple values can be passed, allowing for a sensitivity analysis for the value of this parameter.

For the details about the implementation see dos Santos et al. (2024).

For the details about dynamic regression models in the context of DLM's, see West and Harrison (1997), chapters 6 and 9.


A dlm_block object containing the following values:


Mike West, Jeff Harrison (1997). Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models (Springer Series in Statistics). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0387947256.

Junior, Silvaneo Vieira dos Santos, Mariane Branco Alves, Helio S. Migon (2024). “kDGLM: an R package for Bayesian analysis of Dynamic Generialized Linear Models.”

See Also


Other auxiliary functions for structural blocks: TF_block(), block_mult(), block_rename(), block_superpos(), harmonic_block(), intervention(), noise_block(), polynomial_block(), specify.dlm_block(), summary.dlm_block()


structure <- (
  polynomial_block(p = 1, order = 2, D = 0.95) +
    harmonic_block(p = 1, period = 12, D = 0.95) +
    regression_block(p = chickenPox$date >= as.Date("2013-09-01"))
  # Vaccine was introduced in September of 2013
) * 4

outcome <- Multinom(p = structure$pred.names, data = chickenPox[, c(2, 3, 4, 6, 5)]) <- fit_model(structure, chickenPox = outcome)
plot(coef(, plot.pkg = "base")

[Package kDGLM version 1.2.0 Index]