coefNA |
coefNA: make coefficient table with NA |
cox2.display |
cox2.display: table for coxph.object with model option: TRUE - allow "frailty" or "cluster" model |
coxExp |
coxExp: transform the unit of coefficients in cox model(internal function) |
coxme.display |
coxme.display: table for coxme.object (coxme package) |
coxmeTable |
coxmeTable: Summary table of coxme.object(internal function) |
CreateTableOne2 |
CreateTableOne2: Modified CreateTableOne function in tableone package |
CreateTableOneJS |
CreateTableOneJS: Modified CreateTableOne function in tableone package |
extractAIC.coxme |
extractAIC.coxme: Extract AIC from coxme.object |
geeExp |
geeExp: transform the unit of coefficients (internal function) |
geeglm.display |
geeglm.display |
geeUni |
geeUni: The coefficient of univariate gee (internal function) |
glmshow.display |
glmshow.display: Show summary table of glm object. |
LabelepiDisplay |
LabelepiDisplay: Apply label information to epiDisplay object using label data |
LabeljsCox |
LabeljsCox: Apply label information to cox2.display object using label data |
LabeljsGeeglm |
LabeljsGeeglm: Apply label information to geeglm.display object using label data |
LabeljsMetric |
LabeljsMetric: Apply label information to jstable metric object using label data |
LabeljsMixed |
LabeljsMixed: Apply label information to jstable object using label data |
LabeljsRanef |
LabeljsRanef: Apply label information to jstable random effect object using label data |
LabeljsTable |
LabeljsTable: Apply label information to jstable object using label data |
lmer.display |
lmer.display: table for "lmerMod" or "glmerMod" object (lme4 package) |
lmerExp |
lmerExp: transform the unit of coefficients (internal function) |
mk.lev |
Export label and level: multiple variable |
mk.lev.var |
Export label and level: one variable |
mort |
datable option for data(DT package) |
opt.roc |
datable option for ROC result(DT package) |
opt.simpledown |
datable option for simple download(DT package) |
opt.tb1 |
datable option for table 1(DT package) |
opt.tbreg |
datable option for regression table(DT package) |
svycox.display |
svycoxph.display: table for svycoxph.object in survey package. |
svyCreateTableOne2 |
svyCreateTableOne2: Modified svyCreateTableOne function in tableone package |
svyCreateTableOneJS |
svyCreateTableOneJS: Modified CreateTableOne function in tableone package |
svyregress.display |
svyregress.display: table for svyglm.object |
TableSubgroupCox |
TableSubgroupCox: Sub-group analysis table for Cox/svycox model. |
TableSubgroupGLM |
TableSubgroupGLM: Sub-group analysis table for GLM. |
TableSubgroupMultiCox |
TableSubgroupMultiCox: Multiple sub-group analysis table for Cox/svycox model. |
TableSubgroupMultiGLM |
TableSubgroupMultiGLM: Multiple sub-group analysis table for GLM. |