at {jqr}R Documentation

Format strings and escaping


Format strings and escaping


at(.data, ...)

at_(.data, ..., .dots)



input. This can be JSON input, or an object of class jqr that has JSON and query params combined, which is passed from function to function when using the jqr DSL.


Comma separated list of unquoted variable names


Used to work around non-standard evaluation




x <- '{"user":"jqlang","titles":["JQ Primer", "More JQ"]}'
x %>% at(base64) %>% peek
x %>% at(base64)
x %>% index() %>% at(base64)

y <- '["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "barfoob"]'
y %>% index() %>% at(base64)

## prepare for shell use
y %>% index() %>% at(sh)

## rendered as csv with double quotes
z <- '[1, 2, 3, "a"]'
z %>% at(csv)

## rendered as csv with double quotes
z %>% index()
z %>% index() %>% at(text)

## % encode for URI's
#### DOESNT WORK --------------------------

## html escape
#### DOESNT WORK --------------------------

## serialize to json
#### DOESNT WORK --------------------------

[Package jqr version 1.3.3 Index]