jadiag {jointDiag} | R Documentation |
Joint Approximate Diagonalization of a set of square, symmetric and real-valued matrices
This function performs a Joint Approximate Diagonalization of a set of square, symmetric and real-valued matrices.
jadiag(M, W_est0 = NULL, eps = .Machine$double.eps, itermax = 200,
keepTrace = FALSE)
M |
DOUBLE ARRAY (KxKxN). Three-dimensional array with dimensions KxKxN representing the set of square, symmetric and real-valued matrices to be jointly diagonalized. N is the number of matrices. Matrices are KxK square matrices. |
W_est0 |
DOUBLE MATRIX (KxK). The initial guess of a joint diagonalizer. If NULL, an initial guess is automatically generated by the algorithm. |
eps |
DOUBLE. The algorithm stops when the criterium difference between two iterations is less than eps. |
itermax |
INTEGER. Alternatively, the algorithm stops when itermax sweeps have been performed without reaching convergence. If the maximumu number of iteration is performed, a warning appears. |
keepTrace |
BOOLEAN. Do we want to keep the successive estimations of the joint diagonalizer. |
Given a set C_i
of N KxK symmetric and real-valued matrices, the
algorithm is looking for a matrix B
such that
\forall i \in [1,N]
, B C_i B^T
is as close as possible of a
diagonal matrix.
B |
Estimation of the Joint Diagonalizer. |
criter |
Successive estimates of the cost function across sweeps. |
B_trace |
Array of the successive estimates of B across iterations. |
Cedric Gouy-Pailler (cedric.gouypailler@gmail.com), from the initial C code by Dinh-Tuan Pham.
Pham, D. & Cardoso, J.; Blind separation of instantaneous mixtures of nonstationary sources; IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 2001, 49, 1837-1848
# generating diagonal matrices
D <- replicate(30, diag(rchisq(df=1,n=10)), simplify=FALSE)
# Mixing and demixing matrices
B <- matrix(rnorm(100),10,10)
A <- solve(B)
C <- array(NA,dim=c(10,10,30))
for (i in 1:30) C[,,i] <- A %*% D[[i]] %*% t(A)
B_est <- jadiag(C)$B
# B_est should be an approximate of B=solve(A)
B_est %*% A
# close to a permutation matrix (with random scales)