ttestOneS {jmv} | R Documentation |
One Sample T-Test
The Student's One-sample t-test is used to test the null hypothesis that the true mean is equal to a particular value (typically zero). A low p-value suggests that the null hypothesis is not true, and therefore the true mean must be different from the test value.
ttestOneS(data, vars, students = TRUE, bf = FALSE, bfPrior = 0.707,
wilcoxon = FALSE, testValue = 0, hypothesis = "dt", norm = FALSE,
qq = FALSE, meanDiff = FALSE, ci = FALSE, ciWidth = 95,
effectSize = FALSE, ciES = FALSE, ciWidthES = 95, desc = FALSE,
plots = FALSE, miss = "perAnalysis", mann = FALSE)
data |
the data as a data frame |
vars |
a vector of strings naming the variables of interest in
students |
bf |
bfPrior |
a number between 0.5 and 2.0 (default 0.707), the prior width to use in calculating Bayes factors |
wilcoxon |
testValue |
a number specifying the value of the null hypothesis |
hypothesis |
norm |
qq |
meanDiff |
ci |
ciWidth |
a number between 50 and 99.9 (default: 95), the width of confidence intervals |
effectSize |
ciES |
ciWidthES |
a number between 50 and 99.9 (default: 95), the width of confidence intervals for the effect sizes |
desc |
plots |
miss |
mann |
deprecated |
The Student's One-sample t-test assumes that the data are from a normal distribution – in the case that one is unwilling to assume this, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank can be used in it's place (However, note that the Wilcoxon signed-rank has a slightly different null hypothesis; that the *median* is equal to the test value).
A results object containing:
results$ttest | a table containing the t-test results | ||||
results$normality | a table containing the normality test results | ||||
results$descriptives | a table containing the descriptives | ||||
results$plots | an image of the descriptive plots | ||||
results$qq | an array of Q-Q plots | ||||
Tables can be converted to data frames with asDF
. For example:
ttestOneS(ToothGrowth, vars = vars(len, dose))
# One Sample T-Test
# ------------------------------------------------------
# statistic df p
# ------------------------------------------------------
# len Student's t 19.1 59.0 < .001
# dose Student's t 14.4 59.0 < .001
# ------------------------------------------------------