anovaRM {jmv} | R Documentation |
Repeated Measures ANOVA
The Repeated Measures ANOVA is used to explore the relationship between a continuous dependent variable and one or more categorical explanatory variables, where one or more of the explanatory variables are 'within subjects' (where multiple measurements are from the same subject). Additionally, this analysis allows the inclusion of covariates, allowing for repeated measures ANCOVAs as well.
anovaRM(data, rm = list(list(label = "RM Factor 1", levels =
list("Level 1", "Level 2"))), rmCells = NULL, bs = NULL,
cov = NULL, effectSize = NULL, depLabel = "Dependent",
rmTerms = NULL, bsTerms = NULL, ss = "3", spherTests = FALSE,
spherCorr = list("none"), leveneTest = FALSE, qq = FALSE,
contrasts = NULL, postHoc = NULL, postHocCorr = list("tukey"),
emMeans = list(list()), emmPlots = TRUE, emmTables = FALSE,
emmWeights = TRUE, ciWidthEmm = 95, emmPlotData = FALSE,
emmPlotError = "ci", groupSumm = FALSE)
data |
the data as a data frame |
rm |
a list of lists, where each list describes the |
rmCells |
a list of lists, where each list decribes a repeated measure
(as a string) from |
bs |
a vector of strings naming the between subjects factors from
cov |
a vector of strings naming the covariates from |
effectSize |
one or more of |
depLabel |
a string (default: 'Dependent') describing the label used for the dependent variable throughout the analysis |
rmTerms |
a list of character vectors describing the repeated measures terms to go into the model |
bsTerms |
a list of character vectors describing the between subjects terms to go into the model |
ss |
spherTests |
spherCorr |
one or more of |
leveneTest |
qq |
contrasts |
in development |
postHoc |
a list of character vectors describing the post-hoc tests that need to be computed |
postHocCorr |
one or more of |
emMeans |
a list of lists specifying the variables for which the estimated marginal means need to be calculate. Supports up to three variables per term. |
emmPlots |
emmTables |
emmWeights |
ciWidthEmm |
a number between 50 and 99.9 (default: 95) specifying the confidence interval width for the estimated marginal means |
emmPlotData |
emmPlotError |
groupSumm |
This analysis requires that the data be in 'wide format', where each row represents a subject (as opposed to long format, where each measurement of the dependent variable is represented as a row).
A non-parametric equivalent of the repeated measures ANOVA also exists; the Friedman test. However, it has the limitation of only being able to test a single factor.
A results object containing:
results$rmTable | a table | ||||
results$bsTable | a table | ||||
results$assump$spherTable | a table | ||||
results$assump$leveneTable | a table | ||||
results$assump$qq | a q-q plot | ||||
results$contrasts | an array of tables | ||||
results$postHoc | an array of tables | ||||
results$emm | an array of the estimated marginal means plots + tables | ||||
results$groupSummary | a summary of the groups | ||||
Tables can be converted to data frames with asDF
. For example:
data('bugs', package = 'jmv')
data = bugs,
rm = list(
label = 'Frightening',
levels = c('Low', 'High'))),
rmCells = list(
measure = 'LDLF',
cell = 'Low'),
measure = 'LDHF',
cell = 'High')),
rmTerms = list(
# Within Subjects Effects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Frightening 126 1 126.11 44.2 < .001
# Residual 257 90 2.85
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note. Type 3 Sums of Squares
# Between Subjects Effects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Residual 954 90 10.6
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Note. Type 3 Sums of Squares