Time Series Analysis Toolkit Based on Symbolic Aggregate Discretization, i.e. SAX

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Documentation for package ‘jmotif’ version 1.1.1

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alphabet_to_cuts Translates an alphabet size into the array of corresponding SAX cut-lines built using the Normal distribution.
bags_to_tfidf Computes a TF-IDF weight vectors for a set of word bags.
CBF A standard UCR Cylinder-Bell-Funnel dataset from http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/time_series_data
cosine_dist Computes the cosine similarity between numeric vectors
cosine_sim Computes the cosine distance value between a bag of words and a set of TF-IDF weight vectors.
early_abandoned_dist Finds the Euclidean distance between points, if distance is above the threshold, abandons the computation and returns NAN.
ecg0606 A PHYSIONET dataset
euclidean_dist Finds the Euclidean distance between points.
find_discords_brute_force Finds a discord using brute force algorithm.
find_discords_hotsax Finds a discord (i.e. time series anomaly) with HOT-SAX. Usually works the best with lower sizes of discretization parameters: PAA and Alphabet.
find_discords_rra Finds a discord with RRA (Rare Rule Anomaly) algorithm. Usually works the best with higher than that for HOT-SAX sizes of discretization parameters (i.e., PAA and Alphabet sizes).
Gun_Point A standard UCR Gun Point dataset from http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/time_series_data
idx_to_letter Get the ASCII letter by an index.
is_equal_mindist Compares two strings using mindist.
is_equal_str Compares two strings using natural letter ordering.
letters_to_idx Get an ASCII indexes sequence for a given character array.
letter_to_idx Get the index for an ASCII letter.
manyseries_to_wordbag Converts a set of time-series into a single bag of words.
min_dist Computes the mindist value for two strings
paa Computes a Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA) for a time series.
sax_by_chunking Discretize a time series with SAX using chunking (no sliding window).
sax_distance_matrix Generates a SAX MinDist distance matrix (i.e. the "lookup table") for a given alphabet size.
sax_via_window Discretizes a time series with SAX via sliding window.
series_to_chars Transforms a time series into the char array using SAX and the normal alphabet.
series_to_string Transforms a time series into the string.
series_to_wordbag Converts a single time series into a bag of words.
str_to_repair_grammar Runs the repair on a string.
subseries Extracts a subseries.
znorm Z-normalizes a time series by subtracting its mean and dividing by the standard deviation.