constructWeights {jewel}R Documentation

Construct weights for _jewel_ minimization problem from prior information on vertices degrees.


Function takes a numerical vector of vertices degrees and constructs weights with the rule W_ij = 1 / sqrt(d_i * d_j) and then the whole matrix is normilized by the maximum.


constructWeights(d, K = NULL)



either one numerical vector or a list of K numerical vectors of length p with user-provided degrees of vertices for each class. If there is only one vector, we assume degrees are the same for all K classes. In that case parameter K (number of classes) must be provided. Note that for successful _jewel_ estimation true degrees are not necessary: for example, user can provide a vector where known hubs have degree 10 and the rest of the vertices have degree 1.


number of classes (i.e. datasets, i.e. desired graphs). By default it is length(d). In length(d) = 1, K must be provided by the user.


W - a list of K numeric matrices of the size p by p


K <- 3
p <- 50
n <- 20
data <- generateData_rewire(K = K, p = p, n = n, ncores = 1, verbose = FALSE)
G_list_true <- data$Graphs
true_degrees <- rowSums(G_list_true[[1]])
cut <- sort(true_degrees, decreasing = TRUE)[ceiling(p * 0.03)]
apriori_hubs <- ifelse(true_degrees >= cut, 10, 1)
W <- constructWeights(apriori_hubs, K = K)

[Package jewel version 2.0.2 Index]