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Efficacy of diabetic foot healing using adjuvant treatments
Meta-analysis of 35 randomized controlled trials investigating the effectiveness in the application of adjuvant therapies for diabetic patients compared to medical routine care, where the endpoint was healing without amputations within a period less than or equal to one year.
A matrix with 35 rows and 9 columns. Each row represents study results, the columns are:
- Study
Name of the first author and year.
- n_t
Number of patients in the treatment group.
- n_c
Number of patients in the control group.
- y_t
Number of heal patients in the treatment group.
- y_c
Number of heal patients in the control group.
- ndrop
Total number of drop out patients.
- fup_weeks
Length of followup in weeks.
Inclusion of patients with peripheral arterial disease.
- wagner_4
Inclusion of patients with Wagner score 3 and 4.
The data were obtainded from: Centre for Clinical Practice at NICE (UK and others) (2011), Clinical guideline 119. Diabetic foot problems: Inpatient Management of Diabetic Foot Problems. Tech. rep., National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Verde, P.E. (2018) The Hierarchical Meta-Regression Approach and Learning from Clinical Evidence. Technical Report.