Supporting Files and Functions for the Book Bayesian Modelling with 'JAGS'

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Documentation for package ‘jaggR’ version 0.1.1

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jaggR-package jaggR: Supporting files and functions for the book Bayesian Modelling with JAGS
acid.df Age estimation from aspartic acid concentration
activity.df Energy requirements for different activities
calculus.df Calculus marks
carbon.df Carbon isotopes in trees
cell_surv.df Cell survival data
chocolate.df Energy and fat in chocolate bars
cooling.df Does insulation make a difference?
getModel Get a JAGS model file
gustafson.df Age estimation based on changes in dental characteristics
hedgehog.growth.df Hedgehog growth
hedgehog.survival.df Hedgehog survival
insulation.df Impact strength of insulation cuts in foot-pounds.
jaggR jaggR: Supporting files and functions for the book Bayesian Modelling with JAGS
plane.df Distance travelled by paper planes
radiation.df from the Commission facility in Hanford, Washington. One of the major safety problems encountered there has been the storage of radioactive wastes. Over the years, significant quantities of these substances - including strontium 90 and cesium 137 - have leaked from their open-pit storage areas into the nearby Columbia River, which flows along the Washington-Oregon border, and eventually empties into the Pacific Ocean.
ratmaze.df Times taken for a rat to navigate through a maze
rdt.df Age estimation by root dentine translucency
setPlotPrefs Set Plotting Preferences
terriers.df Simulated weights of difference breeds of terriers
tidy_bugs Tidy BUGS files