Correcting Nonparametric Frontier Measurements for Outliers

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Documentation for package ‘jackstrap’ version 0.1.0

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hist_jack_ks Histogram with Jackstrap Efficiency Indicators: This function builds graphics with distributions of efficiency indicators without outliers and complete sample. The outliers are defined by K-S Test.
hist_jack_step Histogram with Jackstrap Efficiency Indicators: This function builds a graphic with indicator distributions without outliers and complete sample. The outliers are defined by heaviside step function method.
jackstrap Jackstrap Method: Tool identifies outliers in Nonparametric Frontier. This function applies the developed technique by Sousa and Stosic (2005) Technical Efficiency of the Brazilian Municipalities: Correcting Nonparametric Frontier Measurements for Outliers.
jackstrap_ks Jackstrap KS Method: Tool identifies outliers in Nonparametric Frontier. This function applies the developed technique by Sousa and Stosic (2005) Technical Efficiency of the Brazilian Municipalities: Correcting Nonparametric Frontier Meansurements for Outliers and to use the K-S test with criterion to define outliers.
municipalities Dataset of Municipalities of Bahia state in Brazil
plot_jackstrap_ks Plot Jackstrap KS: This function plots p-value of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in decreasing order of leverage.
summary_jackstrap Summary Jackstrap: This function shows the main outcomes with outlier technique developed by Sousa and Stosic(2005).