A Swift, Versatile Phylogenomic and High-Throughput Sequencing Simulator

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Documentation for package ‘jackalope’ version 1.1.5

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create_genome Create a reference genome.
create_haplotypes Create haplotypes from a reference genome.
evo_rates Table of evolutionary rates.
haplotypes An R6 Class Representing Haploid Variants
haps_functions Organize higher-level information for creating haplotypes.
haps_gtrees Organize information to create haplotypes using gene trees
haps_phylo Organize information to create haplotypes using phylogenetic tree(s)
haps_ssites Organize information to create haplotypes using segregating sites matrices
haps_theta Organize information to create haplotypes using theta parameter
haps_vcf Organize information to create haplotypes using a VCF file
illumina Create and write Illumina reads to FASTQ file(s).
indels Insertions and deletions (indels) specification
pacbio Create and write PacBio reads to FASTQ file(s).
read_fasta Read a fasta file.
ref_genome R6 Class Representing a Reference Genome
sub_F81 Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_F84 Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_GTR Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_HKY85 Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_JC69 Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_K80 Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_models Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_TN93 Construct necessary information for substitution models.
sub_UNREST Construct necessary information for substitution models.
write_fasta Write a 'ref_genome' or 'haplotypes' object to a FASTA file.
write_gtrees Organize information to create haplotypes using gene trees
write_vcf Write haplotype info from a 'haplotypes' object to a VCF file.