ivmte {ivmte} | R Documentation |
Instrumental Variables: Extrapolation by Marginal Treatment Effects
This function provides a general framework for using the marginal treatment effect (MTE) to extrapolate. The model is the same binary treatment instrumental variable (IV) model considered by Imbens and Angrist (1994) (doi: 10.2307/2951620) and Heckman and Vytlacil (2005) (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2005.00594.x). The framework on which this function is based was developed by Mogstad, Santos and Torgovitsky (2018) (doi: 10.3982/ECTA15463). See also the recent survey paper on extrapolation in IV models by Mogstad and Torgovitsky (2018) (doi: 10.1146/annurev-economics-101617-041813). A detailed description of the module and its features can be found in Shea and Torgovitsky (2021).
target.weight0 = NULL,
target.weight1 = NULL,
target.knots0 = NULL,
target.knots1 = NULL,
uname = u,
link = "logit",
criterion.tol = 1e-04,
initgrid.nx = 20,
initgrid.nu = 20,
audit.nx = 2500,
audit.nu = 25,
audit.add = 100,
audit.max = 25,
point.eyeweight = FALSE,
bootstraps = 0,
bootstraps.replace = TRUE,
levels = c(0.99, 0.95, 0.9),
ci.type = "backward",
specification.test = TRUE,
noisy = FALSE,
smallreturnlist = FALSE,
debug = FALSE
data |
target |
character, target parameter to be estimated. The
function allows for ATE ( |
late.from |
a named vector or a list declaring the baseline values of Z used to define the LATE. The name associated with each value should be the name of the corresponding variable. |
late.to |
a named vector or a list declaring the comparison set of values of Z used to define the LATE. The name associated with each value should be the name of the corresponding variable. |
late.X |
a named vector or a list declaring the values to condition on. The name associated with each value should be the name of the corresponding variable. |
genlate.lb |
lower bound value of unobservable |
genlate.ub |
upper bound value of unobservable |
target.weight0 |
user-defined weight function for the control
group defining the target parameter. A list of functions can be
submitted if the weighting function is in fact a spline. The
arguments of the function should be variable names in
target.weight1 |
user-defined weight function for the treated
group defining the target parameter. See |
target.knots0 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the control group. The
arguments of the function should consist only of variable names
in |
target.knots1 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the treated group. See
m0 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the control group. Splines may also be
incorporated using the expression |
m1 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the treated group. See |
uname |
variable name for the unobservable used in declaring the MTRs. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
m1.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m1.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
mte.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
mte.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
m0.dec |
logical, set to |
m0.inc |
logical, set to |
m1.dec |
logical, set to |
m1.inc |
logical, set to |
mte.dec |
logical, set to |
mte.inc |
logical, set to |
equal.coef |
one-sided formula to indicate which terms in
ivlike |
formula or vector of formulas specifying the
regressions for the IV-like estimands. Which coefficients to
use to define the constraints determining the treatment effect
bounds (alternatively, the moments determining the treatment
effect point estimate) can be selected in the argument
components |
a list of vectors of the terms in the regression
specifications to include in the set of IV-like estimands. No
terms should be in quotes. To select the intercept term,
include the name |
subset |
a single subset condition or list of subset
conditions corresponding to each regression specified in
propensity |
formula or variable name corresponding to
propensity to take up treatment. If a formula is declared, then
the function estimates the propensity score according to the
formula and link specified in |
link |
character, name of link function to estimate propensity
score. Can be chosen from |
treat |
variable name for treatment indicator. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
outcome |
variable name for outcome variable. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
solver |
character, name of the programming package in R used
to obtain the bounds on the treatment effect. The function
supports |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. |
solver.presolve |
boolean, default set to |
solver.options.criterion |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the minimum criterion. |
solver.options.bounds |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the bounds. |
lpsolver |
character, deprecated argument for |
lpsolver.options |
list, deprecated argument for
lpsolver.presolve |
boolean, deprecated argument for
lpsolver.options.criterion |
list, deprecated argument for
lpsolver.options.bounds |
list, deprecated argument for
criterion.tol |
tolerance for the criterion function, and is
set to 1e-4 by default. The criterion measures how well the
IV-like moments/conditional means are matched using the
l1-norm. Statistical noise may prohibit the theoretical LP/QCQP
problem from being feasible. That is, there may not exist a set
of MTR coefficients that are able to match all the specified
moments. The function thus first estimates the minimum
criterion, which is reported in the output under the name
'minimum criterion', with a criterion of 0 meaning that all
moments were able to be matched. The function then relaxes the
constraints by tolerating a criterion up to |
initgrid.nx |
integer determining the number of points of the covariates used to form the initial constraint grid for imposing shape restrictions on the MTRs. |
initgrid.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are
always a subset of the points defining the audit grid (see
audit.nx |
integer determining the number of points on the covariates space to audit in each iteration of the audit procedure. |
audit.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are used
to audit whether the shape restrictions on the |
audit.add |
maximum number of points to add to the initial
constraint grid for imposing each kind of shape constraint. For
example, if there are 5 different kinds of shape constraints,
there can be at most |
audit.max |
maximum number of iterations in the audit procedure. |
audit.tol |
feasibility tolerance when performing the
audit. By default to set to be 1e-06, which is equal to the
default feasibility tolerances of Gurobi ( |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
point |
boolean. Set to |
point.eyeweight |
boolean, default set to |
bootstraps |
integer, default set to 0. This determines the number of bootstraps used to perform statistical inference. |
bootstraps.m |
integer, default set to size of data
set. Determines the size of the subsample drawn from the
original data set when performing inference via the
bootstrap. This option applies only to the case of constructing
confidence intervals for treatment effect bounds, i.e. it does
not apply when |
bootstraps.replace |
boolean, default set to |
levels |
vector of real numbers between 0 and 1. Values correspond to the level of the confidence intervals constructed via bootstrap. |
ci.type |
character, default set to |
specification.test |
boolean, default set to
noisy |
boolean, default set to |
smallreturnlist |
boolean, default set to |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
applied when |
When the function is used to estimate bounds, and statistical inference is not performed, the function returns the following objects.
- audit.count
the number of audits required until there were no more violations; or the number of audits performed before the audit procedure was terminated.
- audit.criterion
the minimum criterion.
- audit.grid
a list containing the points used to define the audit grid, as well as a table of points where the shape constraints were violated.
- bounds
a vector with the estimated lower and upper bounds of the target treatment effect.
- call.options
a list containing all the model specifications and call options generating the results.
- gstar
a list containing the estimate of the weighted means for each component in the MTRs. The weights are determined by the target parameter declared in
, or the weights defined bytarget.weight1
.- gstar.coef
a list containing the coefficients on the treated and control group MTRs.
- gstar.weights
a list containing the target weights used to estimate
.- result
a list containing the LP/QCQP model, and the full output from solving the problem.
- solver
the solver used in estimation.
- moments
the number of elements in the S-set used to generate achieve (partial) identification.
- propensity
the propensity score model. If a variable is fed to the
argument when callingivmte
, then the returned object is a list containing the name of variable given by the user, and the values of that variable used in estimation.- s.set
a list of all the coefficient estimates and weights corresponding to each element in the S-set.
- splines.dict
a list including the specifications of each spline declared in each MTR.
- messages
a vector of character strings logging the output of the estimation procedure.
If bootstraps
is greater than 0, then statistical inference
will be performed and the output will additionally contain the
following objects.
- bootstraps
the number of bootstraps.
- bootstraps.failed
the number of bootstraps that failed (e.g. due to collinearity) and had to be repeated.
- bounds.bootstraps
the estimates of the bounds from every bootstrap draw.
- bounds.ci
forward and/or backward confidence intervals for the bound estimates at the levels specified in
.- bounds.se
bootstrap standard errors on the lower and upper bound estimates.
- p.value
p-value for the estimated bounds. p-values are constructed by finding the level at which the confidence interval no longer contains 0.
- propensity.ci
confidence interval for coefficient estimates of the propensity score model.
- propensity.se
standard errors for the coefficient estimates of the propensity score model.
- specification.p.value
p-value from a specification test. The specification test is only performed if the minimum criterion is not 0.
If point = TRUE
and bootstraps = 0
, then point
estimation is performed using two-step GMM. The output will contain
the following objects.
- j.test
test statistic and results from the asymptotic J-test.
- moments
a vector. Each element is the GMM criterion for each moment condition used in estimation.
- mtr.coef
coefficient estimates for the MTRs.
- point.estimate
point estimate of the treatment effect.
- redundant
indexes for the moment conditions (i.e. elements in the S set) that were linearly independent and could be dropped.
If point = TRUE
and bootstraps
is not 0, then
point estimation is performed using two-step GMM, and additional
statistical inference is performed using the bootstrap samples.
The output will contain the following additional objects.
- bootstraps
the number of bootstraps.
- bootstraps.failed
the number of bootstraps that failed (e.g. due to collinearity) and had to be repeated.
- j.test
test statistic and result from the J-test performed using the bootstrap samples.
- j.test.bootstraps
J-test statistic from each bootstrap.
- mtr.bootstraps
coefficient estimates for the MTRs from each bootstrap sample. These are used to construct the confidence intervals and standard errors for the MTR coefficients.
- mtr.ci
confidence intervals for each MTR coefficient.
- mtr.se
standard errors for each MTR coefficient estimate.
- p.value
p-value for the treatment effect point estimate estimated using the bootstrap.
- point.estimate.bootstraps
treatment effect point estimate from each bootstrap sample. These are used to construct the confidence interval, standard error, and p-value for the treatment effect.
- point.estimate.ci
confidence interval for the treatment effect.
- point.estimate.se
standard error for the treatment effect estimate.
- propensity.ci
confidence interval for the coefficients in the propensity score model, constructed using the bootstrap.
- propensity.se
standard errors for the coefficient estimates of the propensity score model.
Returns a list of results from throughout the estimation procedure. This includes all IV-like estimands; the propensity score model; bounds on the treatment effect; the estimated expectations of each term in the MTRs; the components and results of the LP/QCQP problem.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito()
ivlikespecs <- c(ey ~ d | z,
ey ~ d | factor(z),
ey ~ d,
ey ~ d | factor(z))
jvec <- l(d, d, d, d)
svec <- l(, , , z %in% c(2, 4))
ivmte(ivlike = ivlikespecs,
data = dtm,
components = jvec,
propensity = d ~ z,
subset = svec,
m0 = ~ u + I(u ^ 2),
m1 = ~ u + I(u ^ 2),
uname = u,
target = "att",
m0.dec = TRUE,
m1.dec = TRUE,
bootstraps = 0,
solver = "lpSolveAPI")