IV_PILE {ivitr}R Documentation

Estimate an IV-optimal individualized treatment rule


IV_PILE estimates an IV-optimal individualized treatment rule given a dataset with estimated partial identification intervals for each instance.


IV_PILE(dt, kernel = "linear", C = 1, sig = 1/(ncol(dt) - 5))



A dataframe whose first column is a binary IV 'Z', followed by q columns of observed covariates, a binary treatment indicator 'A', a binary outcome 'Y', lower endpoint of the partial identification interval 'L', and upper endpoint of the partial identification interval 'U'. The dataset has q+5 columns in total.


The kernel used in the weighted SVM algorithm. The user may choose between 'linear' (linear kernel) and 'radial' (Gaussian RBF kernel).


Cost of violating the constraint. This is the parameter C in the Lagrange formulation.


Sigma in the Gaussian RBF kernel. Default is set to 1/dimension of covariates, i.e., 1/q. This parameter is not relevant for linear kernel.


An object of the type wsvm, inheriting from svm.


## Not run: 
# It is necessary to install the package locClass in order
# to run the following code.

# Construct an IV out of differential distance to two-year versus
# four-year college. Z = 1 if the subject lives not farther from
# a 4-year college compared to a 2-year college.
Z = (dist4yr <= dist2yr) + 0

# Treatment A = 1 if the subject attends a 4-year college and 0
# otherwise.
A = 1 - twoyr

# Outcome Y = 1 if the subject obtained a bachelor's degree
Y = (educ86 >= 16) + 0

# Prepare the dataset
dt = data.frame(Z, female, black, hispanic, bytest, dadsome,
     dadcoll, momsome, momcoll, fincome, fincmiss, A, Y)

# Estimate the Balke-Pearl bound by estimating each constituent
# conditional probability p(Y = y, A = a | Z, X) with a multinomial
# regression.
dt_with_BP_bound_multinom = estimate_BP_bound(dt, method = 'multinom')

# Estimate the IV-optimal individualized treatment rule using a
# linear kernel, under the putative IV and the Balke-Pearl bound.

iv_itr_BP_linear = IV_PILE(dt_with_BP_bound_multinom, kernel = 'linear')

## End(Not run)

[Package ivitr version 0.1.0 Index]