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Becker and Woessmann (2009) Dataset
Data on Prussian counties in 1871 from Becker and Woessmann's (2009) paper "Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History."
A data frame with 452 rows and 44 variables:
- kreiskey1871
- county1871
County name in 1871
- rbkey
District key
- lat_rad
Latitude (in rad)
- lon_rad
Longitude (in rad)
- kmwittenberg
Distance to Wittenberg (in km)
- zupreussen
Year in which county was annexed by Prussia
- hhsize
Average household size
- gpop
Population growth from 1867-1871 in percentage points
- f_prot
Percent Protestants
- f_jew
Percent Jews
- f_rw
Percent literate
- f_miss
Percent missing education information
- f_young
Percent below the age of 10
- f_fem
Percent female
- f_ortsgeb
Percent born in municipality
- f_pruss
Percent of Prussian origin
- f_blind
Percent blind
- f_deaf
Percent deaf-mute
- f_dumb
Percent insane
- f_urban
Percent of county population in urban areas
- lnpop
Natural logarithm of total population size
- lnkmb
Natural logarithm of distance to Berlin (km)
- poland
Dummy variable, =1 if county is Polish-speaking
- latlon
Latitude * Longitude * 100
- f_over3km
Percent of pupils farther than 3km from school
- f_mine
Percent of labor force employed in mining
- inctaxpc
Income tax revenue per capita in 1877
- perc_secB
Percentage of labor force employed in manufacturing in 1882
- perc_secC
Percentage of labor force employed in services in 1882
- perc_secBnC
Percentage of labor force employed in manufacturing and services in 1882
- lnyteacher
100 * Natural logarithm of male elementary school teachers in 1886
- rhs
Dummy variable, =1 if Imperial of Hanseatic city in 1517
- yteacher
Income of male elementary school teachers in 1886
- pop
Total population size
- kmb
Distance to Berlin (km)
- uni1517
Dummy variable, =1 if University in 1517
- reichsstadt
Dummy variable, =1 if Imperial city in 1517
- hansestadt
Dummy variable, =1 if Hanseatic city in 1517
- f_cath
Percentage of Catholics
- sh_al_in_tot
Share of municipalities beginning with letter A to L
- ncloisters1517_pkm2
Monasteries per square kilometer in 1517
- school1517
Dummy variable, =1 if school in 1517
- dnpop1500
City population in 1500
References doi: 10.1162/qjec.2009.124.2.531