izip_longest {itertools2}R Documentation

Iterator that iterates through several iterables concurrently.


The resulting iterator aggregates elements from each of the iterables into a list from each iteration. Used for lock-step iteration over several iterables at a time.


izip_longest(..., fill = NA)



multiple arguments to iterate through in sequence


the value used to replace missing values when the iterables in ... are of uneven length


Although similar to izip, missing values are replaced with fill if the iterables are of uneven length, and Iteration continues until the longest iterable is exhausted.


iterator that iterates through each argument in sequence


it <- izip_longest(x=1:3, y=4:6, z=7:9)
iterators::nextElem(it) # list(x=1, y=4, z=7)
iterators::nextElem(it) # list(x=2, y=5, z=8)
iterators::nextElem(it) # list(x=3, y=6, z=9)

it2 <- izip_longest(1:3, 4:8)
iterators::nextElem(it2) # list(1, 4)
iterators::nextElem(it2) # list(2, 5)
iterators::nextElem(it2) # list(3, 6)
iterators::nextElem(it2) # list(NA, 7)
iterators::nextElem(it2) # list(NA, 8)

it3 <- izip_longest(1:2, 4:7, levels(iris$Species), fill="w00t")
iterators::nextElem(it3) # list(1, 4, "setosa")
iterators::nextElem(it3) # list(2, 5, "versicolor")
iterators::nextElem(it3) # list("w00t", 6, "virginica")
iterators::nextElem(it3) # list("w00t", 7, "w00t")

[Package itertools2 version 0.1.1 Index]