Fast, Compact Iterators and Tools

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Documentation for package ‘iterors’ version 1.0

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as.character.iteror Collect all (or some given number of) values from an iteror, returning a vector of the given type.
as.double.iteror Collect all (or some given number of) values from an iteror, returning a vector of the given type.
as.list.iteror Collect all (or some given number of) values from an iteror, returning a vector of the given type.
as.logical.iteror Collect all (or some given number of) values from an iteror, returning a vector of the given type.
as.numeric.iteror Collect all (or some given number of) values from an iteror, returning a vector of the given type.
as.vector.iteror Collect all (or some given number of) values from an iteror, returning a vector of the given type.
concat Concatenate contents of multiple iterators into a vector.
concat.default Concatenate contents of multiple iterators into a vector.
concat.iteror Concatenate contents of multiple iterators into a vector.
consume Consumes the first n elements of an iterator
consume.iteror Consumes the first n elements of an iterator
count Consumes an iterator and computes its length
dotproduct Computes the dot product of two iterable objects.
hasNext Does This Iterator Have A Next Element
hasNext.ihasNext Does This Iterator Have A Next Element
icombinations Iterator that generates all combinations of a vector taken m at a time.
icount Counting Iterators
icountn Counting Iterators
idedup Drop duplicated items from an iterator.
idiv Dividing Iterator
ienumerate Iterator that returns the elements of an object along with their indices
ifilter Iterator that filters elements not satisfying a predicate function
ifilterfalse Iterator that filters elements not satisfying a predicate function
igrid Iterator that covers the Cartesian product of the arguments.
ihasNext Does This Iterator Have A Next Element
ipermutations Iterator that generates all permutations of a vector.
irbinom Random Number Iterators
iread.table Iterator over Rows of a Data Frame Stored in a File
ireadBin Create an iterator to read binary data from a connection
ireaddf Create an iterator to read data frames from files
ireadLines Iterator over Lines of Text from a Connection
ireplay Record and replay iterators
irnbinom Random Number Iterators
iRNGStream Iterators returning distant random-number seeds.
iRNGSubStream Iterators returning distant random-number seeds.
irnorm Random Number Iterators
irpois Random Number Iterators
irunif Random Number Iterators
is.iterator 'is.iteror' indicates if an object is an iteror.
is.iteror 'is.iteror' indicates if an object is an iteror.
isample Random Number Iterators
iseq Iterators for sequence generation
iseq_along Iterators for sequence generation
isplit Split Iterator
itabulate Iterator that maps a function to a sequence of numeric values
iteror Make an iteror from a given object.
iteror.array Iterate over an array or data frame by a specified dimension.
iteror.connection Make an iteror from a given object. Iterate over an array or data frame by a specified dimension.
iteror.default Make an iteror from a given object.
iteror.function Construct an iteror object with custom-programmed behavior.
iteror.iter Make an iteror from a given object.
iteror.matrix Iterate over an array or data frame by a specified dimension.
iteror.python.builtin.object Wrap an iteror to appear as a Python iterator or vice versa.
i_accum Compute the sum, product, or general reduction of an iterator.
i_apply Apply a function to each element of an iterator.
i_break Create an iterator that can be told to stop.
i_chain Iteror that chains multiple arguments together into a single iterator
i_chunk Combine an iterator's values into chunks.
i_concat Iteror that chains multiple arguments together into a single iterator
i_drop Iterator that filters elements not satisfying a predicate function
i_dropwhile Iterator that drops elements until the predicate function returns FALSE
i_enum Iterator that returns the elements of an object along with their indices
i_enumerate Iterator that returns the elements of an object along with their indices
i_enumerate.array Iterator that returns the elements of an object along with their indices
i_enumerate.default Iterator that returns the elements of an object along with their indices
i_keep Iterator that filters elements not satisfying a predicate function
i_keepwhile Iterator that returns elements while a predicate function returns TRUE
i_limit Limit the length of an iterator.
i_map Iterator that applies a given function to several iterables concurrently.
i_mask Iterator that filters elements where corresponding selector is false.
i_pad Iterator that returns an object followed indefinitely by a fill value
i_recycle Create a recycling iterator
i_rep Repeat values from an iterator.
i_repeat Create a repeating iterator
i_rle Run-length encoding iterator.
i_rleinv Run-length encoding iterator.
i_roundrobin Iteror that traverses each given iterable in a roundrobin order
i_slice Iteror that returns selected elements from an iterable.
i_star Iteror that applies a given function to the elements of an iterable.
i_starmap Iteror that applies a given function to the elements of an iterable.
i_tee Create multiple iterators from one source
i_timeout Create a timeout iterator
i_unique Iterator that extracts the unique elements from an iterable object
i_window Construct a sliding window over an iterator
i_zip Combine several iterables in parallel.
i_zip_longest Combine several iterables in parallel.
makeIwrapper Iterator Constructor-Constructor Function Wrapper
nextOr Retreive the next element from an iteror.
nth Returns the nth item of an iteror
prod.iteror Compute the sum, product, or general reduction of an iterator.
quantify Count the number of times an iterable object is TRUE
record Record and replay iterators
reduce Compute the sum, product, or general reduction of an iterator.
reduce.iteror Compute the sum, product, or general reduction of an iterator.
r_to_py.iteror Wrap an iteror to appear as a Python iterator or vice versa.
sum.iteror Compute the sum, product, or general reduction of an iterator.
take Return the first n elements of an iterable object in a vector.
take.default Return the first n elements of an iterable object in a vector.
take.iteror Return the first n elements of an iterable object in a vector.