iterLap {iterLap}R Documentation

Iterated Laplace Approximation


Iterated Laplace Approximation


iterLap(post, ..., GRobj = NULL, vectorized = FALSE, startVals = NULL,
        method = c("nlminb", "nlm", "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS"), control = NULL,
        nlcontrol = list())



log-posterior density


additional arguments to log-posterior density


object of class mixDist, for example resulting from a call to GRApprox


Logical determining, whether post is vectorized


Starting values for GRApprox, when GRobj is not specified. Vector of starting values if dimension=1 otherwise matrix of starting values with the starting values in the rows


Type of optimizer to be used.


List with entries:
gridSize Determines the size of the grid for each component
delta Stopping criterion based on the maximum error on the grid
maxDim Maximum number of components allowed (default 20)
eps Stopping criterion based on normalization constant of approximation
info How much information should be displayed during iterations: 0 - none, 1 - minimum information, 2 - maximum information


Control list for the used optimizer.


Produces an object of class mixDist: A list with entries
weights Vector of weights for individual components
means Matrix of component medians of components
sigmas List containing scaling matrices
eigenHess List containing eigen decompositions of scaling matrices
dets Vector of determinants of scaling matrix
sigmainv List containing inverse scaling matrices


Bjoern Bornkamp


Bornkamp, B. (2011). Approximating Probability Densities by Iterated Laplace Approximations, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(3), 656–669.


  #### banana example
  banana <- function(pars, b, sigma12){
    dim <- 10
    y <- c(pars[1], pars[2]+b*(pars[1]^2-sigma12), pars[3:dim])
    cc <- c(1/sqrt(sigma12), rep(1, dim-1))

  ## first perform multi mode Laplace approximation
  start <- rbind(rep(0,10),rep(-1.5,10),rep(1.5,10))
  grObj <- GRApprox(banana, start, b = 0.03, sigma12 = 100)
  ## print mixDist object
  ## summary method
  ## importance sampling using the obtained mixDist object 
  ## using a mixture of t distributions with 10 degrees of freedom
  isObj <- IS(grObj, nSim=1000, df = 10, post=banana, b = 0.03,
              sigma12 = 100)
  ## effective sample size
  ## independence Metropolis Hastings algorithm
  imObj <- IMH(grObj, nSim=1000, df = 10, post=banana, b = 0.03,
               sigma12 = 100)
  ## acceptance rate

  ## now use iterated Laplace approximation
  ## and use Laplace approximation above as starting point
  iL <- iterLap(banana, GRobj = grObj, b = 0.03, sigma12 = 100)
  isObj2 <- IS(iL, nSim=10000, df = 100, post=banana, b = 0.03,
               sigma12 = 100)
  ## residual resampling to obtain unweighted sample
  samples <- resample(1000, isObj2)
  ## plot samples in the first two dimensions
  plot(samples[,1], samples[,2], xlim=c(-40,40), ylim = c(-40,20))
  ## independence Metropolis algorithm
  imObj2 <- IMH(iL, nSim=1000, df = 10, post=banana, b = 0.03,
                sigma12 = 100)
  plot(imObj2$samp[,1], imObj2$samp[,2], xlim=c(-40,40), ylim = c(-40,20))

  ## IMH and IS can exploit multiple cores, example for two cores
  ## Not run: 
  isObj3 <- IS(iL, nSim=10000, df = 100, post=banana, b = 0.03,
               sigma12 = 100, cores = 2)
## End(Not run)

[Package iterLap version 1.1-4 Index]