isodistrreg-package {isodistrreg}R Documentation

Isotonic distributional regression (IDR)


Isotonic distributional Regression (IDR) is a nonparametric method to estimate conditional distributions under monotonicity constraints.

How does it work?

Read the arXiv preprint ‘Isotonic Distributional Regression’ on or by calling browseVignettes(package = "isodistrreg").

The isodistrreg package

To make probabilistic forecasts with IDR,

The following pre-defined functions are available to evaluate IDR predictions:

Use the dataset rain to test IDR.


Alexander Henzi, Johanna F. Ziegel, and Tilmann Gneiting. Isotonic Distributional Regression. arXiv e-prints, art. arXiv:1909.03725, Sep 2019. URL


## A usage example:

# Prepare dataset: Half of the data as training dataset, other half for validation.
# Consult the R documentation (?rain) for details about the dataset.
trainingData <- subset(rain, date <= "2012-01-09")
validationData <- subset(rain, date > "2012-01-09")

# Variable selection: use HRES and the perturbed forecasts P1, ..., P50
varNames <- c("HRES", paste0("P", 1:50))

# Partial orders on variable groups: Usual order of numbers on HRES (group '1') and
# increasing convex order on the remaining variables (group '2').
groups <- setNames(c(1, rep(2, 50)), varNames)
orders <- c("comp" = 1, "icx" = 2)

# Fit IDR to training dataset.
fit <- idr(
  y = trainingData[["obs"]],
  X = trainingData[, varNames],
  groups = groups,
  orders = orders

# Make prediction for the first day in the validation data:
firstPrediction <- predict(fit, data = validationData[1, varNames])

# Use cdf() and qpred() to make probability and quantile forecasts:

## What is the probability of precipitation?
1 - cdf(firstPrediction, thresholds = 0)

## What are the predicted 10%, 50% and 90% quantiles for precipitation?
qpred(firstPrediction, quantiles = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))

# Make predictions for the complete verification dataset and compare IDR calibrated
# forecasts to the raw ensemble (ENS):
predictions <- predict(fit, data = validationData[, varNames])
y <- validationData[["obs"]]

## Continuous ranked probability score (CRPS):
CRPS <- cbind(
  "ens" = crps(validationData[, varNames], y),
  "IDR" = crps(predictions, y)
apply(CRPS, 2, mean)

## Brier score for probability of precipitation:
BS <- cbind(
  "ens" = bscore(validationData[, varNames], thresholds = 0, y),
  "IDR" = bscore(predictions, thresholds = 0, y)
apply(BS, 2, mean)

## Quantile score of forecast for 90% quantile:
QS90 <- cbind(
  "ens" = qscore(validationData[, varNames], quantiles = 0.9, y),
  "IDR" = qscore(predictions, quantiles = 0.9, y)
apply(QS90, 2, mean)

## Check calibration using (randomized) PIT histograms:
pitEns <- pit(validationData[, varNames], y)
pitIdr <- pit(predictions, y)

hist(pitEns, main = "PIT of raw ensemble forecasts", freq = FALSE)
hist(pitIdr, main = "PIT of IDR calibrated forecasts", freq = FALSE)

[Package isodistrreg version 0.1.0 Index]