The Induced Smoothed Lasso

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Documentation for package ‘islasso’ version 1.5.2

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islasso-package The Induced Smoothed lasso: A practical framework for hypothesis testing in high dimensional regression
aic.islasso Optimization for the selection of the tuning parameter
anova.islasso General Linear Combination method for 'islasso' objects
breast Breast Cancer microarray experiment
coef.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
confint.islasso confint method for 'islasso' objects
cooks.distance.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
deviance.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
deviance.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
diabetes Blood and other measurements in diabetics
extractAIC.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
family.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
fitted.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
formula.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
GoF.islasso.path Optimization for the selection of the tuning parameter
influence.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
is.control Auxiliary for controlling islasso model fitting
islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
logLik.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
logLik.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
model.frame.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
model.matrix.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
model.matrix.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
nobs.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
plot.confint.islasso confint method for 'islasso' objects
plot.islasso Diagnostics plots for Induced Smoothing Lasso Model
plot.islasso.path plot coefficient profile from a fitted "islasso.path" object.
predict.islasso Prediction method for islasso fitted objects
predict.islasso.path Prediction method for islasso.path fitted objects
print.anova.islasso General Linear Combination method for 'islasso' objects
print.confint.islasso confint method for 'islasso' objects
print.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
print.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
print.logLik.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
print.summary.islasso summary method for islasso fitted objects
print.summary.islasso.path summary method for islasso.path fitted objects
Prostate Prostate Cancer Data
residuals.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
residuals.islasso.path The Induced Smoothed lasso path
rstandard.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
rstudent.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
simulXy Simulate model matrix and response
summary.islasso summary method for islasso fitted objects
summary.islasso.path summary method for islasso.path fitted objects
variable.names.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
vcov.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso
weights.islasso The Induced Smoothed lasso