run_flexmirt {irtQ}R Documentation

Run flexMIRT through R


This function implements flexMIRT (Cai, 2017) to run a model specified in the syntax file of flexMIRT (i.e., *.flexmirt) through R. To run this function, flexMIRT software must be installed in advance. This function will be useful especially when conducting a simulation study using flexMIRT.


run_flexmirt(file.syntax, dir.flex = NULL, show.output.on.console = FALSE, ...)



A single string or vector containing the file path(s) of a flexmirt syntax file(s) to be run. An example is “C:/Users/Data/irtmodel.flexmirt".


A path of directory where flexMIRT is installed. The path may include a folder name with "flexMIRT" (e.g, flexMIRT3, flexMIRT 3.6). If NULL, a path where flexMIRT is installed will be searched in "C:/Program Files" and it will be used as a default path (e.g., "C:/Program Files/flexMIRT3", "C:/Program Files/flexMIRT 3.6").


A logical value to indicate whether to capture the output of the command and show it on the R console. Default is FALSE. See system.


Further arguments passed from the function system.


When a path of directory where flexMIRT (with a version < 3.6) is installed is provided in the argument dir.flex, the directory must include following six file of

When a path of directory where flexMIRT (with a version >= 3.6) is installed is provided in the argument dir.flex, the directory must include following six files of

and an additional directory of "Resources" that contains two files which are


output files of flexMIRT


Hwanggyu Lim


Cai, L. (2017). flexMIRT 3.5 Flexible multilevel multidimensional item analysis and test scoring [Computer software]. Chapel Hill, NC: Vector Psychometric Group.


# Emxaples below will run when flexMIRT software is installed
# in a default path of "C:/Program Files/flexMIRT3".
# Otherwise provide a path where flexMIRT software is installed
# in the argument 'dir.flex'.

## Not run: 
# (1) run a single syntax file
# import an example of flexMIRT syntax file to run the item parameter estimation of IRT 3PL model
file.syntax <- system.file("extdata", "2PLM_example.flexmirt", package = "irtQ")

# run flexMIRT to estimate the item parameters of IRT 3PL model
run_flexmirt(file.syntax=file.syntax, dir.flex=NULL, show.output=TRUE)

# check the output file
out.file <- system.file("extdata", "2PLM_example-prm.txt", package = "irtQ")
bring.flexmirt(out.file, type="par")

# (2) run multiple syntax files
# import two examples of flexMIRT syntax files
file.syntax1 <- system.file("extdata", "2PLM_example.flexmirt", package = "irtQ")
file.syntax2 <- system.file("extdata", "3PLM_example.flexmirt", package = "irtQ")

# run flexMIRT to estimate the item parameters
run_flexmirt(file.syntax=c(file.syntax1, file.syntax2), dir.flex=NULL, show.output=FALSE)

# check the output file
out.file1 <- system.file("extdata", "2PLM_example-prm.txt", package = "irtQ")
out.file2 <- system.file("extdata", "3PLM_example-prm.txt", package = "irtQ")
bring.flexmirt(out.file1, type="par")
bring.flexmirt(out.file2, type="par")

## End(Not run)

[Package irtQ version 0.2.0 Index]