irb.train {irboost}R Documentation

fit a robust predictive model with iteratively reweighted boosting algorithm


Fit a predictive model with the iteratively reweighted convex optimization (IRCO) that minimizes the robust loss functions in the CC-family (concave-convex). The convex optimization is conducted by functional descent boosting algorithm in the R package xgboost. The iteratively reweighted boosting (IRBoost) algorithm reduces the weight of the observation that leads to a large loss; it also provides weights to help identify outliers. Applications include the robust generalized linear models and extensions, where the mean is related to the predictors by boosting, and robust accelerated failure time models. irb.train is an advanced interface for training an irboost model. The irboost function is a simpler wrapper for irb.train. See xgboost::xgb.train.


  params = list(),
  z_init = NULL,
  cfun = "ccave",
  s = 1,
  delta = 0.1,
  iter = 10,
  nrounds = 100,
  del = 1e-10,
  trace = FALSE,



the list of parameters, params is passed to function xgboost::xgb.train which requires the same argument. The list must include objective, a convex component in the CC-family, the second C, or convex down. It is the same as objective in the xgboost::xgb.train. The following objective functions are currently implemented:

  • reg:squarederror Regression with squared loss.

  • binary:logitraw logistic regression for binary classification, predict linear predictor, not probabilies.

  • binary:hinge hinge loss for binary classification. This makes predictions of -1 or 1, rather than producing probabilities.

  • multi:softprob softmax loss function for multiclass problems. The result contains predicted probabilities of each data point in each class, say p_k, k=0, ..., nclass-1. Note, label is coded as in [0, ..., nclass-1]. The loss function cross-entropy for the i-th observation is computed as -log(p_k) with k=lable_i, i=1, ..., n.

  • count:poisson: Poisson regression for count data, predict mean of poisson distribution.

  • reg:gamma: gamma regression with log-link, predict mean of gamma distribution. The implementation in xgboost::xgb.train takes a parameterization in the exponential family:
    In particularly, there is only one parameter psi and set to 1. The implementation of the IRCO algorithm follows this parameterization. See Table 2.1, McCullagh and Nelder, Generalized linear models, Chapman & Hall, 1989, second edition.

  • reg:tweedie: Tweedie regression with log-link. See also
    tweedie_variance_power in range: (1,2). A value close to 2 is like a gamma distribution. A value close to 1 is like a Poisson distribution.

  • survival:aft: Accelerated failure time model for censored survival time data. irb.train invokes irb.train_aft.


training dataset. irb.train accepts only an xgboost::xgb.DMatrix as the input. irboost, in addition, also accepts matrix, dgCMatrix, or name of a local data file. See xgboost::xgb.train.


vector of nobs with initial convex component values, must be non-negative with default values = weights if data has provided, otherwise z_init = vector of 1s


concave component of CC-family, can be "hacve", "acave", "bcave", "ccave", "dcave", "ecave", "gcave", "hcave".
See Table 2


tuning parameter of cfun. s > 0 and can be equal to 0 for cfun="tcave". If s is too close to 0 for cfun="acave", "bcave", "ccave", the calculated weights can become 0 for all observations, thus crash the program


a small positive number provided by user only if cfun="gcave" and 0 < s <1


number of iteration in the IRCO algorithm


boosting iterations within each IRCO iteration


convergency criteria in the IRCO algorithm, no relation to delta


if TRUE, fitting progress is reported


other arguments passing to xgb.train


An object with S3 class xgb.train with the additional elments:


Zhu Wang
Maintainer: Zhu Wang


Wang, Zhu (2021), Unified Robust Boosting, arXiv eprint,


# logistic boosting
data(agaricus.train, package='xgboost')
data(agaricus.test, package='xgboost')

dtrain <- with(agaricus.train, xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data, label = label))
dtest <- with(agaricus.test, xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data, label = label))
watchlist <- list(train = dtrain, eval = dtest)

# A simple irb.train example:
param <- list(max_depth = 2, eta = 1, nthread = 2, 
objective = "binary:logitraw", eval_metric = "auc")
bst <- xgboost::xgb.train(params=param, data=dtrain, nrounds = 2, 
                          watchlist=watchlist, verbose=2)
bst <- irb.train(params=param, data=dtrain, nrounds = 2)
# a bug in xgboost::xgb.train
#bst <- irb.train(params=param, data=dtrain, nrounds = 2, 
#                 watchlist=watchlist, trace=TRUE, verbose=2) 

# time-to-event analysis
X <- matrix(1:5, ncol=1)
# Associate ranged labels with the data matrix.
# This example shows each kind of censored labels.
# uncensored  right  left  interval
y_lower = c(10,  15, -Inf, 30, 100)
y_upper = c(Inf, Inf,   20, 50, Inf)
dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label_lower_bound=y_lower, 
param <- list(objective="survival:aft", aft_loss_distribution="normal", 
              aft_loss_distribution_scale=1, max_depth=3, min_child_weight=0)
watchlist <- list(train = dtrain)
bst <- xgboost::xgb.train(params=param, data=dtrain, nrounds=15, 
predict(bst, dtrain)
bst_cc <- irb.train(params=param, data=dtrain, nrounds=15, cfun="hcave",
                    s=1.5, trace=TRUE, verbose=0)

[Package irboost version 0.1-1.5 Index]