Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration

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Documentation for package ‘irace’ version 3.5

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irace-package The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration
ablation Performs ablation between two configurations (from source to target).
ablation_cmdline Launch ablation with command-line options.
buildCommandLine Generate a command-line representation of a configuration
checkIraceScenario Test that the given irace scenario can be run.
checkParameters checkParameters
checkScenario Check and correct the given scenario
cmdline_usage R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments
CommandArgsParser R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments
configurations.print Print configurations as a data frame
configurations.print.command Print configurations as command-line strings.
defaultScenario Default scenario settings
getConfigurationById Returns the configurations selected by ID.
getConfigurationByIteration Returns the configurations by the iteration in which they were executed.
getFinalElites Return the elite configurations of the final iteration.
irace irace
irace.cmdline Launch 'irace' with command-line options.
irace.license irace.license
irace.main Higher-level interface to launch irace.
irace.version irace.version
path_rel2abs Converts a relative path to an absolute path. It tries really hard to create canonical paths.
plotAblation Create plot from an ablation log
printParameters Print parameter space in the textual format accepted by irace.
printScenario Prints the given scenario
psRace psRace
readConfigurationsFile Read parameter configurations from a file
readParameters Reads the parameters to be tuned by 'irace' from a file or from a character string.
readScenario Reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by 'irace'.
read_logfile Read the log file produced by irace ('irace.Rdata').
read_pcs_file Read parameters in PCS (AClib) format and write them in irace format.
removeConfigurationsMetaData removeConfigurationsMetaData
scenario.update.paths Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently.
scenario_update_paths Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently.
target.evaluator.default target.evaluator.default
target.runner.default Default 'targetRunner' function.
testConfigurations Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the scenario
testing_fromfile Test configurations given an explicit table of configurations and a scenario file
testing_fromlog Test configurations given in '.Rdata' file