irace-package | The irace package: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration |
ablation | Performs ablation between two configurations (from source to target). |
ablation_cmdline | Launch ablation with command-line options. |
buildCommandLine | Generate a command-line representation of a configuration |
checkIraceScenario | Test that the given irace scenario can be run. |
checkParameters | checkParameters |
checkScenario | Check and correct the given scenario |
cmdline_usage | R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments |
CommandArgsParser | R6 Class for parsing command-line arguments |
configurations.print | Print configurations as a data frame |
configurations.print.command | Print configurations as command-line strings. |
defaultScenario | Default scenario settings |
getConfigurationById | Returns the configurations selected by ID. |
getConfigurationByIteration | Returns the configurations by the iteration in which they were executed. |
getFinalElites | Return the elite configurations of the final iteration. |
irace | irace |
irace.cmdline | Launch 'irace' with command-line options. |
irace.license | irace.license |
irace.main | Higher-level interface to launch irace. |
irace.version | irace.version |
path_rel2abs | Converts a relative path to an absolute path. It tries really hard to create canonical paths. |
plotAblation | Create plot from an ablation log |
printParameters | Print parameter space in the textual format accepted by irace. |
printScenario | Prints the given scenario |
psRace | psRace |
readConfigurationsFile | Read parameter configurations from a file |
readParameters | Reads the parameters to be tuned by 'irace' from a file or from a character string. |
readScenario | Reads from a file the scenario settings to be used by 'irace'. |
read_logfile | Read the log file produced by irace ('irace.Rdata'). |
read_pcs_file | Read parameters in PCS (AClib) format and write them in irace format. |
removeConfigurationsMetaData | removeConfigurationsMetaData |
scenario.update.paths | Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently. |
scenario_update_paths | Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently. |
target.evaluator.default | target.evaluator.default |
target.runner.default | Default 'targetRunner' function. |
testConfigurations | Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the scenario |
testing_fromfile | Test configurations given an explicit table of configurations and a scenario file |
testing_fromlog | Test configurations given in '.Rdata' file |