$.ir |
Subsetting 'ir' objects |
$<-.ir |
Subsetting 'ir' objects |
anti_join.ir |
Filtering joins for an 'ir' object |
arrange.ir |
Arrange rows in 'ir' objects by column values |
bind |
Bind rows of 'ir' objects |
cbind.ir |
Bind rows of 'ir' objects |
distinct.ir |
Subset distinct/unique rows in 'ir' objects |
extract.ir |
Extract a character column in an 'ir' object into multiple columns using regular expression groups |
filter-joins |
Filtering joins for an 'ir' object |
filter.ir |
Subset rows in 'ir' objects using column values |
full_join.ir |
Mutating joins for an 'ir' object |
group_by |
Group rows in 'ir' objects by one or more variables |
group_by.ir |
Group rows in 'ir' objects by one or more variables |
inner_join.ir |
Mutating joins for an 'ir' object |
ir_add |
Add infrared spectra |
ir_as_ir |
Generic to convert objects to class 'ir' |
ir_as_ir.data.frame |
Generic to convert objects to class 'ir' |
ir_as_ir.ir |
Generic to convert objects to class 'ir' |
ir_average |
Averages infrared spectra within groups |
ir_bc |
Performs baseline correction on infrared spectra |
ir_bc_polynomial |
Performs baseline correction on infrared spectra using a polynomial |
ir_bc_rubberband |
Performs baseline correction on infrared spectra using a rubberband algorithm |
ir_bc_sg |
Performs baseline correction on infrared spectra using a Savitzky-Golay baseline |
ir_bin |
Bins infrared spectra |
ir_clip |
Clips infrared spectra to new wavenumber ranges |
ir_divide |
Divide infrared spectra or divide infrared spectra by a numeric value |
ir_drop_spectra |
Drops the column 'spectra' from an object is of class 'ir' |
ir_flatten |
Converts objects of class 'ir' to objects of class 'ir_flat' |
ir_flat_clean |
Cleans objects of class 'ir_flat' |
ir_get_intensity |
Extracts intensities from spectra in an 'ir' object for specific spectral channels |
ir_get_spectrum |
Extracts selected spectra from an object of class 'ir' |
ir_get_wavenumberindex |
Gets the index of a defined wavenumber value for a spectrum |
ir_import_csv |
Imports infrared spectra from various files |
ir_import_spc |
Imports infrared spectra from Thermo Galactic's files |
ir_interpolate |
Interpolates intensity values of infrared spectra in an 'ir' object for new wavenumber values |
ir_interpolate_region |
Interpolates selected regions in infrared spectra in an 'ir' object |
ir_multiply |
Multiply infrared spectra or multiply infrared spectra with a numeric value |
ir_new_ir |
Creates an object of class 'ir' |
ir_new_ir_flat |
Creates an object of class 'ir_flat' |
ir_normalise |
Normalizes infrared spectra in an 'ir' object |
ir_normalize |
Normalizes infrared spectra in an 'ir' object |
ir_remove_missing |
Removes empty data values in an object of class 'ir' |
ir_sample_data |
Sample object of class 'ir' |
ir_smooth |
Smooths infrared spectra in an 'ir' object |
ir_stack |
Stacks a matrix or data frame with spectra into a list column |
ir_subtract |
Subtract infrared spectra |
ir_to_absorbance |
Converts absorbance spectra to transmittance spectra or vice versa |
ir_to_transmittance |
Converts absorbance spectra to transmittance spectra or vice versa |
ir_variance_region |
Computes the variance of a spectrum in an 'ir' object in a given region |
left_join.ir |
Mutating joins for an 'ir' object |
max.ir |
Get the minima/maxima/range/median of x axis values or intensity values of infrared spectra |
median.ir |
Get the minima/maxima/range/median of x axis values or intensity values of infrared spectra |
min.ir |
Get the minima/maxima/range/median of x axis values or intensity values of infrared spectra |
mutate |
Mutate an 'ir' object by adding new or replacing existing columns |
mutate-joins |
Mutating joins for an 'ir' object |
mutate.ir |
Mutate an 'ir' object by adding new or replacing existing columns |
nest |
Nest and un-nest an 'ir' object |
nest.ir |
Nest and un-nest an 'ir' object |
Ops.ir |
Arithmetic operations for 'ir' objects |
pivot_longer.ir |
Pivot an 'ir' object from wide to long |
pivot_wider.ir |
Pivot an 'ir' object from wide to long |
plot.ir |
Plots an object of class 'ir' |
range |
Get the minima/maxima/range/median of x axis values or intensity values of infrared spectra |
range.ir |
Get the minima/maxima/range/median of x axis values or intensity values of infrared spectra |
rbind.ir |
Bind rows of 'ir' objects |
rename |
Rename columns in 'ir' objects |
rename.ir |
Rename columns in 'ir' objects |
rename_with.ir |
Rename columns in 'ir' objects |
rep.ir |
Replicate ir objects |
right_join.ir |
Mutating joins for an 'ir' object |
rowwise.ir |
Group input 'ir' objects by rows |
select.ir |
Subset columns in 'ir' objects using column names and types |
semi_join.ir |
Filtering joins for an 'ir' object |
separate.ir |
Separate a character column in an 'ir' object into multiple columns with a regular expression or numeric locations |
separate_rows.ir |
Separate a collapsed column in an 'ir' object into multiple rows |
slice |
Subset rows in 'ir' objects using their positions |
slice.ir |
Subset rows in 'ir' objects using their positions |
slice_sample.ir |
Subset rows in 'ir' objects using their positions |
subsetting |
Subsetting 'ir' objects |
summarise |
Summarize each group in a 'ir' object to fewer rows |
summarise.ir |
Summarize each group in a 'ir' object to fewer rows |
summarize |
Summarize each group in a 'ir' object to fewer rows |
summarize.ir |
Summarize each group in a 'ir' object to fewer rows |
transmute.ir |
Mutate an 'ir' object by adding new or replacing existing columns |
ungroup.ir |
Group rows in 'ir' objects by one or more variables |
unite.ir |
Unite multiple columns in an 'ir' object into one by pasting strings together |
unnest.ir |
Nest and un-nest an 'ir' object |
[.ir |
Subsetting 'ir' objects |
[<-.ir |
Subsetting 'ir' objects |
[[.ir |
Subsetting 'ir' objects |
[[<-.ir |
Subsetting 'ir' objects |