ipums_view {ipumsr}R Documentation

View a static webpage with variable metadata from an IPUMS extract


For a given ipums_ddi object or data frame, display metadata about its contents in the RStudio viewer pane. This includes extract-level information as well as metadata for the variables included in the input object.

It is also possible to save the output to an external HTML file without launching the RStudio viewer.


ipums_view(x, out_file = NULL, launch = TRUE)



An ipums_ddi object or a data frame with IPUMS attributes attached.

Note that file-level information (e.g. extract notes) is only available when x is an ipums_ddi object.


Optional location to save the output HTML file. If NULL, makes a temporary file.


Logical indicating whether to launch the HTML file in the RStudio viewer pane. If TRUE, RStudio and rstudioapi must be available.


ipums_view() requires that the htmltools, shiny, and DT packages are installed. If launch = TRUE, RStudio and the rstudioapi package must also be available.

Note that if launch = FALSE and out_file is unspecified, the output file will be written to a temporary directory. Some operating systems may be unable to open the HTML file from the temporary directory; we suggest that you manually specify the out_file location in this case.


The file path to the output HTML file (invisibly, if launch = TRUE)


ddi <- read_ipums_ddi(ipums_example("cps_00157.xml"))

## Not run: 
ipums_view(ddi, "codebook.html", launch = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

[Package ipumsr version 0.8.1 Index]