A C D F G I K L M N P R S T U V misc
as.matrix.ipmr_ipm | Convert to bare matrices |
as.matrix.ipmr_matrix | Convert to bare matrices |
collapse_pop_state | Extract threshold based population size information |
conv_plot | Check for model convergence to asymptotic dynamics |
conv_plot.ipmr_ipm | Check for model convergence to asymptotic dynamics |
define_domains | Helpers for IPM construction |
define_env_state | Helpers for IPM construction |
define_impl | Helpers for IPM construction |
define_kernel | Functions to initialize and define IPM kernels |
define_pop_state | Helpers for IPM construction |
discrete_extrema | Eviction correction |
discretize_pop_vector | Helpers for IPM construction |
domains | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
domains.default | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
domains.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
format_mega_kernel | Create iteration kernels from an IPM object |
format_mega_kernel.age_x_size_ipm | Create iteration kernels from an IPM object |
format_mega_kernel.default | Create iteration kernels from an IPM object |
gen_di_det_ex | A general deterministic IPM example |
iceplant_ex | Raw demographic data to construct an example IPM |
init_ipm | Initialize an IPM |
int_mesh | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
int_mesh.ipmr_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
ipm_to_df | Convert ipmr matrix to long data frame |
ipm_to_df.array | Convert ipmr matrix to long data frame |
ipm_to_df.default | Convert ipmr matrix to long data frame |
is_conv_to_asymptotic | Check for model convergence to asymptotic dynamics |
is_conv_to_asymptotic.ipmr_ipm | Check for model convergence to asymptotic dynamics |
kernel_formulae | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
kernel_formulae.default | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
kernel_formulae.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
kernel_formulae<- | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
kernel_formulae<-.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
lambda | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.general_dd_det_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.general_dd_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.general_dd_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.general_di_det_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.general_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.general_di_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.simple_dd_det_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.simple_dd_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.simple_dd_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.simple_di_det_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
lambda.simple_di_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object |
left_ev | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
left_ev.general_di_det_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
left_ev.general_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
left_ev.general_di_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
left_ev.simple_di_det_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
left_ev.simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
left_ev.simple_di_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
left_mult | Right/left multiplication |
make_impl_args_list | Helpers for IPM construction |
make_ipm | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.general_dd_det | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.general_dd_stoch_kern | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.general_dd_stoch_param | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.general_di_det | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.general_di_stoch_kern | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.general_di_stoch_param | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.simple_dd_det | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.simple_dd_stoch_kern | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.simple_dd_stoch_param | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.simple_di_det | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.simple_di_stoch_kern | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm.simple_di_stoch_param | Methods to implement an IPM |
make_ipm_report | Generate an RMarkdown file with IPM metadata |
make_ipm_report.default | Generate an RMarkdown file with IPM metadata |
make_ipm_report.ipmr_ipm | Generate an RMarkdown file with IPM metadata |
make_ipm_report_body | Generate an RMarkdown file with IPM metadata |
make_iter_kernel | Create iteration kernels from an IPM object |
mat_power | Raise a matrix to a power |
mean_kernel | Mean kernels for stochastic models |
monocarp_proto | A 'proto_ipm' for a monocarpic perennial |
new_fun_form | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
parameters | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
parameters.default | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
parameters.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
parameters<- | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
parameters<-.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
plot.general_di_det_ipm | Plot a matrix or an *_ipm object |
plot.ipmr_matrix | Plot a matrix or an *_ipm object |
plot.simple_di_det_ipm | Plot a matrix or an *_ipm object |
plot.simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Plot a matrix or an *_ipm object |
plot.simple_di_stoch_param_ipm | Plot a matrix or an *_ipm object |
pop_state | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
pop_state.default | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
pop_state.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
print.general_dd_det_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.general_dd_stoch_kern_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.general_dd_stoch_param_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.general_di_det_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.general_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.general_di_stoch_param_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.proto_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.simple_dd_det_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.simple_dd_stoch_kern_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.simple_dd_stoch_param_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.simple_di_det_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
print.simple_di_stoch_param_ipm | Print proto_ipms or *_ipm objects |
right_ev | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
right_ev.general_di_det_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
right_ev.general_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
right_ev.general_di_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
right_ev.simple_di_det_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
right_ev.simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
right_ev.simple_di_stoch_param_ipm | Compute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via iteration |
right_mult | Right/left multiplication |
sim_di_det_ex | Simple deterministic IPM example |
truncated_distributions | Eviction correction |
use_vr_model | Predict methods in ipmr |
vital_rate_exprs | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
vital_rate_exprs.default | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
vital_rate_exprs.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
vital_rate_exprs<- | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
vital_rate_exprs<-.proto_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
vital_rate_funs | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
vital_rate_funs.ipmr_ipm | Accessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects |
%^% | Raise a matrix to a power |