iPlots - Interactive Graphics for R

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Documentation for package ‘iplots’ version 1.1-8

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!=.iobj Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
$.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
$<-.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
==.iobj Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
dim.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
iabline Add a straight line to the current iPlot.
ibar Interactive Bar Chart
ibox Interactive Box Plot
ievent.wait Interactive events
ihammock Interactive Hammock Plot
ihist Interactive Histogram
ilines Add connected lines or polygon to the current iPlot.
imap Interactive Map
imosaic Interactive Mosaic Plot
iobj.cur Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
iobj.get Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
iobj.list Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
iobj.next Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
iobj.opt Modify parameters of an iObject
iobj.prev Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
iobj.rm Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
iobj.set Interactive objects (iObjects) management functions.
ipcp Interactive Parallel Coordinates Plot
iplot Interactive Scatterplot
iplot.backend iPlot manipulation functions
iplot.cur Interactive plots management functions.
iplot.data Retireve data from a plot.
iplot.list Interactive plots management functions.
iplot.location iPlot manipulation functions
iplot.next Interactive plots management functions.
iplot.off Interactive plots management functions.
iplot.opt Modify parameters of an interactive plot
iplot.prev Interactive plots management functions.
iplot.resetZoom iPlot manipulation functions
iplot.rotate iPlot manipulation functions
iplot.set Interactive plots management functions.
iplot.setExtendedQuery iPlot manipulation functions
iplot.size iPlot manipulation functions
iplot.zoomIn iPlot manipulation functions
iplot.zoomOut iPlot manipulation functions
iraster Add a bitmap (raster) image to the current iPlot.
iSet iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
iset-class iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
iset.brush Set color of cases in an iSet.
iset.col Set color of cases in an iSet.
iset.cur iSet management functions.
iset.list iSet management functions.
iset.new iSet management functions.
iset.next iSet management functions.
iset.prev iSet management functions.
iset.rm iSet management functions.
iset.sel.changed Selection / linked highlighting
iset.select Selection / linked highlighting
iset.selectAll Selection / linked highlighting
iset.selected Selection / linked highlighting
iset.selectNone Selection / linked highlighting
iset.set iSet management functions.
iset.updateVars Data (ivar) manipulation functions
isets iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
itext Add text to the current iPlot.
iVar iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
ivar Data (ivar) manipulation functions
ivar-class iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
ivar.data Data (ivar) manipulation functions
ivar.new Data (ivar) manipulation functions
ivar.new.map Data (ivar) manipulation functions
ivar.update Data (ivar) manipulation functions
length.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
length.ivar Data (ivar) manipulation functions
names.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
names.iset<- iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
names<-.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
print.iobj iPlot manipulation functions
print.iplot iPlot manipulation functions
print.iset iSet management functions.
print.ivar Data (ivar) manipulation functions
show-method iSet management functions.
show-method Data (ivar) manipulation functions
[.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
[.ivar Data (ivar) manipulation functions
[<-.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
[<-.ivar Data (ivar) manipulation functions
[[.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots
[[<-.iset iSet and iVar - managing data in iPlots