Tools for Message Passing Between Processes

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Documentation for package ‘ipc’ version 0.1.4

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ipc-package Tools for performing async communication between workers in shiny
AsyncInterruptor An interruptor useful for stopping child processes.
AsyncProgress A progress bar object where inc and set are usable within other processes
Consumer A Class for reading and executing tasks from a source
defaultSource Get/set the class used to sink/read from the file system
Producer A Class for sending signals to a source
Queue A Class containing a producer and consumer
queue A Class containing a producer and consumer
redisConfig Get/set redis configuration
redisIdGenerator Get/set the location for temporary files
RedisSource Reads and writes the queue to a redis db
ShinyConsumer A Consumer class with common task handlers useful in Shiny apps
shinyExample Run Example Shiny Apps
ShinyProducer A Producer with methods specific for Shiny
shinyQueue Create a Queue object
stopMulticoreFuture Stops a future run in a multicore plan
tempFileGenerator Get/set the location for temporary files
TextFileSource Reads and writes the queue to a text file