addNoise |
Add Noise to Data Set |
asPointwiseEstimator |
Turn a local estimator into a pointwise estimator |
cornerPlane |
Corner Plane |
cutHyperPlane |
Piece of Noisy Hyperplane |
cutHyperSphere |
Piece of Noisy Hypersphere |
dancoDimEst |
Dimension Estimation With the DANCo and MIND Methods |
dnoiseGaussH |
Transition Functions Describing Noise |
dnoiseNcChi |
Transition Functions Describing Noise |
essLocalDimEst |
Expected Simplex Skewness Local Dimension Estimation |
essReference |
ESS Reference Values |
globalIntrinsicDimension |
Intrinsic Dimension Estimation |
hill |
Dimension Estimation via Translated Poisson Distributions |
hyperBall |
Isotropic Distributions With or Without Noise |
hyperCube |
Hypercube |
hyperCubeEdges |
Hypercube |
hyperCubeFaces |
Hypercube |
hyperSphere |
Isotropic Distributions With or Without Noise |
hyperTwinPeaks |
Twin Peaks |
intrinsicDimension |
Intrinsic Dimension Estimation and Data on Manifolds |
isotropicNormal |
Isotropic Distributions With or Without Noise |
knnDimEst |
Dimension Estimation from kNN Distances |
localIntrinsicDimension |
Intrinsic Dimension Estimation |
m14Manifold |
Manifolds from Rozza et al. (2012) |
m15Manifold |
Manifolds from Rozza et al. (2012) |
maxLikGlobalDimEst |
Dimension Estimation via Translated Poisson Distributions |
maxLikLocalDimEst |
Dimension Estimation via Translated Poisson Distributions |
maxLikPointwiseDimEst |
Dimension Estimation via Translated Poisson Distributions |
mHeinManifold |
12-dimensional manifold from Hein and Audibert (2005) |
neighborhoods |
Obtaining neighborhoods (local data) from a data set |
oblongNormal |
Oblong Normal Distribution |
pcaLocalDimEst |
Local Dimension Estimation with PCA |
pcaOtpmPointwiseDimEst |
Dimension Estimation With Optimally Topology Preserving Maps |
pointwiseIntrinsicDimension |
Intrinsic Dimension Estimation |
swissRoll |
Swiss roll with or without 3-sphere inside |
swissRoll3Sph |
Swiss roll with or without 3-sphere inside |
twinPeaks |
Twin Peaks |