Estimate the Confidence Interval and Interpret Step by Step

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Documentation for package ‘interpretCI’ version 0.1.1

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acs Demographic data of 857 patients with ACS
draw_n Draw normal distribution curve
draw_t Draw t distribution curve
English Convert numeric to string with uppercase first letter
english2 Convert numeric to string
estimationPlot1 Draw estimation plot1
interpret Interpret an object of meanCI
is.mynumeric Decide whether a vector can be treated as a numeric variable
isProvided Whether the arg is provided in function call
meanCI Calculate confidence intervals of mean or difference between means Calculate confidence intervals of mean or difference between means in a data.frame
meanCI.default Calculate confidence intervals of mean or difference between means
meanCI2 Calculate confidence intervals of mean or difference between means
meanCI2df Prepare data to plot from an object of class meanCI
meanCI2df1 Extract data from an object of class meanCI
meanCIplot1 Draw meanCI plot for data with single vector
meanCI_sub Calculate confidence intervals of mean or difference between means in a data.frame
pairPlot Draw a pair plot with an object of class meanCI
pairPlot1 Draw a pair plot
palette2colors Extract hexadecimal colors from a color palette
plot.meanCI S3 method for an object of class "meanCI"
print.meanCI S3 method "print" for class "meanCI"
print.plotCI S3 method for class plotCI
propCI Calculate confidence intervals of proportion or difference between proportions
propCI_sub Calculate confidence intervals of proportion or difference between proportions in a data.frame
rstudio_viewer Show html file in RStudio viewer or browser
show_t_table Show t-value table
show_z_table Show z-value table
textBox Draw textbox