interp {interp}R Documentation

Interpolation function


This function implements bivariate interpolation for irregularly spaced input data. Piecewise linear (=barycentric interpolation), bilinear or bicubic spline interpolation according to Akimas method is applied.


interp(x, y = NULL, z, xo = seq(min(x), max(x), length = nx),
       yo = seq(min(y), max(y), length = ny),
       linear = (method == "linear"), extrap = FALSE,
       duplicate = "error", dupfun = NULL,
       nx = 40, ny = 40, input="points", output = "grid",
       method = "linear", deltri = "shull", h=0,
       kernel="gaussian", solver="QR", degree=3,
       baryweight=TRUE, autodegree=FALSE, adtol=0.1,
       smoothpde=FALSE, akimaweight=TRUE, nweight=25,



vector of xx-coordinates of data points or a SpatialPointsDataFrame object (a regular gridded SpatialPixelsDataFrame is also allowed). In this case also an sp data object will be returned. Missing values are not accepted.


vector of yy-coordinates of data points. Missing values are not accepted.

If left as NULL indicates that x should be a SpatialPointsDataFrame and z names the variable of interest in this dataframe.


vector of zz-values at data points or a character variable naming the variable of interest in the SpatialPointsDataFrame x.

Missing values are not accepted by default, see parameter na.rm.

x, y, and z must be the same length (execpt if x is a SpatialPointsDataFrame) and may contain no fewer than four points. The points of x and y should not be collinear if input="grid", as the underlying triangulation in these cases sometimes fails.

interp is meant for cases in which you have xx, yy values scattered over a plane and a zz value for each. If, instead, you are trying to evaluate a mathematical function, or get a graphical interpretation of relationships that can be described by a polynomial, try outer.


If output="grid" (which is the default): sequence of xx locations for rectangular output grid, defaults to nx points between min(x) and max(x).

If output="points": vector of xx locations for output points.


If output="grid" (default): sequence of yy locations for rectangular output grid, defaults to ny points between min(y) and max(y).

If output="points": vector of yy locations for output points. In this case it has to be same length as xo.


text, possible values are "grid" (not yet implemented) and "points" (default).

This is used to distinguish between regular and irregular gridded input data.


text, possible values are "grid" (=default) and "points".

If "grid" is choosen then xo and yo are interpreted as vectors spanning a rectangular grid of points (xo[i],yo[j])(xo[i],yo[j]), i=1,...,nxi=1,...,nx, j=1,...,nyj=1,...,ny. This default behaviour matches how akima::interp works.

In the case of "points" xo and yo have to be of same length and are taken as possibly irregular spaced output points (xo[i],yo[i])(xo[i],yo[i]), i=1,...,noi=1,...,no with no=length(xo). nx and ny are ignored in this case. This case is meant as replacement for the pointwise interpolation done by akima::interpp. If the input x is a SpatialPointsDataFrame and output="points" then xo has to be a SpatialPointsDataFrame, yo will be ignored.


logical, only for backward compatibility with akima::interp, indicates if piecewise linear interpolation or Akima splines should be used.

Please use the new method argument instead!


text, possible methods are "linear" (piecewise linear interpolation within the triangles of the Delaunay triangulation, also referred to as barycentric interpolation based on barycentric coordinates) and "akima" (a reimplementation for Akimas spline algorithms for irregular gridded data with the accuracy of a bicubic polynomial).

method="bilinear" is only applicable to regular grids (input="grid") and in turn calls bilinear, see there for more details.

method="linear" replaces the old linear argument of akima::interp.


logical, indicates if extrapolation outside the convex hull is intended, this will not work for piecewise linear interpolation!


character string indicating how to handle duplicate data points. Possible values are


produces an error message,


remove duplicate z values,


calculate mean , median or user defined function (dupfun) of duplicate zz values.


a function, applied to duplicate points if duplicate= "user".


dimension of output grid in x direction


dimension of output grid in y direction


triangulation method used, this argument may later be moved into a control set together with others related to the spline interpolation! Possible values are "shull" (default, sweep hull algorithm) and "deldir" (uses packagedeldir).


bandwidth for partial derivatives estimation, compare locpoly for details


kernel for partial derivatives estimation, compare locpoly for details


solver used in partial derivatives estimation, compare locpoly for details


degree of local polynomial used for partial derivatives estimation, compare locpoly for details


calculate three partial derivatives estimators and return a barycentric weighted average.

This increases the accuracy of Akima splines but the runtime is multplied by 3!


try to reduce degree automatically


tolerance used for autodegree


Use an averaged version of partial derivatives estimates, by default simple average of nweight estimates.

Currently disabled by default (FALSE), underlying code still a bit experimental.


apply Akima weighting scheme on partial derivatives estimations instead of simply averaging


size of search neighbourhood for weighting scheme, default: 25


remove points where z=NA, defaults to FALSE


a list with 3 components:

x, y

If output="grid": vectors of xx- and yy-coordinates of output grid, the same as the input argument xo, or yo, if present. Otherwise, their default, a vector 40 points evenly spaced over the range of the input x and y.

If output="points": vectors of xx- and yy-coordinates of output points as given by xo and yo.


If output="grid": matrix of fitted zz-values. The value z[i,j] is computed at the point (xo[i],yo[j])(xo[i], yo[j]). z has dimensions length(xo) times length(yo).

If output="points": a vector with the calculated z values for the output points as given by xo and yo.

If the input was a SpatialPointsDataFrame a SpatialPixelsDataFrame is returned for output="grid" and a SpatialPointsDataFrame for output="points".


Please note that this function tries to be a replacement for the interp() function from the akima package. So it should be call compatible for most applications. It also offers additional tuning parameters, usually the default settings will fit. Please be aware that these additional parameters may change in the future as they are still under development.


Albrecht Gebhardt <>, Roger Bivand <>


Moebius, A. F. (1827) Der barymetrische Calcul. Verlag v. Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig,

Franke, R., (1979). A critical comparison of some methods for interpolation of scattered data. Tech. Rep. NPS-53-79-003, Dept. of Mathematics, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif.

Akima, H. (1978). A Method of Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth Surface Fitting for Irregularly Distributed Data Points. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 4, 148-164.

Akima, H. (1996). Algorithm 761: scattered-data surface fitting that has the accuracy of a cubic polynomial. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 22, 362–371.

See Also



### Use all datasets from Franke, 1979:
## x-y irregular grid points:
oldseed <- set.seed(42)
ni <- 64
xi <- runif(ni,0,1)
yi <- runif(ni,0,1)
xyi <- cbind(xi,yi)
## linear interpolation
fi <- franke.fn(xi,yi,1)
IL <- interp(xi,yi,fi,nx=80,ny=80,method="linear")
## prepare breaks and colors that match for image and contour:
breaks <- pretty(seq(min(IL$z,na.rm=TRUE),max(IL$z,na.rm=TRUE),length=11))
db <- breaks[2]-breaks[1]
nb <- length(breaks)
breaks <- c(breaks[1]-db,breaks,breaks[nb]+db)
colors <- terrain.colors(length(breaks)-1)
image(IL,breaks=breaks,col=colors,main="Franke function 1",
      sub=paste("linear interpolation, ", ni,"points"))
## spline interpolation
fi <- franke.fn(xi,yi,1)
IS <- interp(xi,yi,fi,method="akima",
## prepare breaks and colors that match for image and contour:
breaks <- pretty(seq(min(IS$z,na.rm=TRUE),max(IS$z,na.rm=TRUE),length=11))
db <- breaks[2]-breaks[1]
nb <- length(breaks)
breaks <- c(breaks[1]-db,breaks,breaks[nb]+db)
colors <- terrain.colors(length(breaks)-1)
image(IS,breaks=breaks,col=colors,main="Franke function 1",
      sub=paste("spline interpolation, ", ni,"points"))
## regular grid:
nx <- 8; ny <- 8
xx <- t(matrix(rep(xg,ny),nx,ny))
yy <- matrix(rep(yg,nx),ny,nx)
## linear interpolation
fg <- outer(xg,yg,function(x,y)franke.fn(x,y,1))
IL <- interp(xg,yg,fg,input="grid",method="linear")
## prepare breaks and colors that match for image and contour:
breaks <- pretty(seq(min(IL$z,na.rm=TRUE),max(IL$z,na.rm=TRUE),length=11))
db <- breaks[2]-breaks[1]
nb <- length(breaks)
breaks <- c(breaks[1]-db,breaks,breaks[nb]+db)
colors <- terrain.colors(length(breaks)-1)
image(IL,breaks=breaks,col=colors,main="Franke function 1",
      sub=paste("linear interpolation, ", nx,"x",ny,"points"))
## spline interpolation
fg <- outer(xg,yg,function(x,y)franke.fn(x,y,1))
IS <- interp(xg,yg,fg,input="grid",method="akima",
## prepare breaks and colors that match for image and contour:
breaks <- pretty(seq(min(IS$z,na.rm=TRUE),max(IS$z,na.rm=TRUE),length=11))
db <- breaks[2]-breaks[1]
nb <- length(breaks)
breaks <- c(breaks[1]-db,breaks,breaks[nb]+db)
colors <- terrain.colors(length(breaks)-1)
image(IS,breaks=breaks,col=colors,main="Franke function 1",
      sub=paste("spline interpolation, ", nx,"x",ny,"points"))

## apply interp to sp data:
## convert Akima data set to a sp object 
asp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(list(x=akima$x,y=akima$y),
                              data = data.frame(z=akima$z))
## linear interpolation
spli <- interp(asp, z="z", method="linear")
## the result is again a SpatialPointsDataFrame: 
## now with spline interpolation, slightly higher resolution
spsi <- interp(asp, z="z", method="akima", nx=120, ny=120)

## now sp grids: reuse stuff from above
spgr <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(list(x=c(xx),y=c(yy)),
## linear interpolation
spli <- interp(spgr, z="z", method="linear", input="grid")
## the result is again a SpatialPointsDataFrame: 
## now with spline interpolation, slightly higher resolution
spsi <- interp(spgr, z="z", method="akima", nx=240, ny=240)


[Package interp version 1.1-6 Index]