recruitment {interim}R Documentation

Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials


Function recruitment simulates the recruitment of patients in clinical trials.


recruitment(nc, ns, cw, sw, sf, tb, en)



maximum number of centers to be opened or Inf.


maximum number of patients to be screened within each center or Inf.


number of center openings per week.


number of screened patients per week within each center.


screening failure rate.


time between screening and enrollment/randomization in weeks.


number of patients to be enrolled.


Function recruitment simulates the recruitment progress for a required number of enrolled patients in clinical trials based on the expected number of centers to be opened per week and the expected number of patients being recruited per site and week. The function assumes that centers are being opened at a constant rate per week (cw) and patient per center are screened at a constant rate per week (sw).

The function can handle recruitment limits by limiting the total number of centers (nc) and/or the number of patients recruitable per site (ns).

The function discriminates between screening timepoint and enrollment/randomization timepoint by allowing a screening period (tb) and screen failure rate (sf) to be specified. If both are zero then patients are directly enrolled at screening.

Function recruitment can handle four different recruitment scenarios.

Under scenario 4 only a limited number of patients can be recruited. The auxilliary function capacity can be used to derive the maximum number of patients that can be enrolled under this scenario.

Results of recruitment are required as input for function treatment to derive the time when treatment of patients is finished.


recruitment returns a list of vectors with the following components:

See Also

treatment for simulating the treatment duration for a given recruitment scenario; trialCourse for plots of recruitment and treatment scenarios; capacity for deriving the maximum number of patients that can be enrolled under scenario 4;



[Package interim version 0.8.0 Index]